  • Banks
    Surely everyone at least once heard the banking term - a savings account. Do you know what he means and what benefits can the client from the opening of such an account?
    17.12.2017 434 0
  • Contribution
    To understand this definition, which, at first glance, carries a truly complex computer meaning in itself, it is necessary to make it necessary to disassemble what bitcoins and mining are separately, why this topic is actively promoted by many resources on the Internet, which caused the intrigue of people and How nevertheless earn it.
    15.10.2017 481 0
  • Banks
    No matter how many people would have money in her arms, he sooner or later begins to think about entrusting with reliable and solid organizations.
    22.05.2016 642 0
  • Banks
    A deposit is the contribution of a certain amount of money to the banking institution for further profit in the form of interest rates formed with financial fees.
    23.12.2014 1911 0
  • Banks
    The competent organization of storage of funds will ensure the safety of your savings and help them increase.
    25.09.2014 982 0
  • Banks
    Currently, the banking sphere is represented by a large number of organizations that provide a variety of banking products.
    20.09.2014 2037 0
  • Banks
    Free cash should work and generate income. Otherwise, over time you will endure inflationary losses.
    20.09.2014 1577 0
  • Banks
    Computerization touched on all areas of activity. Banks also began to actively introduce new technologies, improving the service, making the service easier and easy.
    19.09.2014 1868 0
  • Banks
    Deposits are subject to insurance in case of bankruptcy or imprisonment of the license of a banking institution, provided that this bank is a member of the deposit insurance system.
    19.09.2014 1066 0
  • Banks
    Until recently, banking Internet services were used by bank customers only in limited mode - accounts for accounts and payments, but no more.
    19.09.2014 1136 0
  • Banks
    The legislation provides a special deposit protection mechanism - an insurance system or deposit guaranteeing system.
    18.09.2014 946 0
  • Banks
    The yield of any contribution depends on several factors: the amount of the rate, the time of placement of the contribution, as well as the procedure for accrualing interest.
    16.09.2014 2015 0
  • Banks
    If a bank deposit is concluded with the possibility of replenishment, then all conditions are described in one of its items: the deadlines for making money, amounts, details, etc.
    16.09.2014 2105 0
  • Banks
    Bank deposits - advantageous passive income, it is only worth choosing a bank institution among their sets.
    15.09.2014 2335 0
  • Banks
    Quite often, the relatives of the deceased do not even suspect, in which bank, its territorial division there are contributions from a deceased relative.
    06.09.2014 3226 2
  • Banks
    As clients of Sberbank of Russia, some people still keep their savings on the savings book.
    29.08.2014 8232 4
  • Banks
    At the current age of globalization currency accounts are becoming increasingly popular among banking clients.
    28.07.2014 9506 0
  • Banks
    Since inflation today reaches sufficiently high indicators, many people prefer to store free funds on deposits in banks.
    25.07.2014 1672 0
  • Banks
    The deposit is the money amount that the depositor transfers to the banking institution. At the appointed time, the money is returned to the depositor on agreed early conditions.
    13.07.2014 1160 0
