How to block a bank card Sberbank

How to block a bank card Sberbank

Each modern man at least once came across bank cards. Unfortunately, there are cases when it is necessary to block the Sberbank card. It may be a loss card, her Theft, damage or other unpleasant case.

Send an SMS to the short number 900 with the text in format: Blokirovka XXXXX Y, where Y is a digit that denotes the cause of the lock (0 - if the map is lost, 1 is stolen, 2 - remained in ATM, 3 - other reasons). And xxxxx is the last five digits of the card number. After that, on your phone will come SMS with confirmation code that is active for a short time. This code must be sent in the response message to confirm the lock operation. The cost of SMS reports according to the tariffs of your mobile operator. This The service is possible only when connecting a mobile bank.

You can block the map by calling Sberbank support: 8 8005555550 or 8. 4955005550, free call. Pre-get ready to name the name, surname, patronymic, test word or passport details, card number (if you remember).

If you entered the wrong PIN code during operations in the terminals, the card is automatically blocked. 24 hours also independently she again unlocked And will be available for operations.

In the Personal Account, you choose the necessary card on the Sberbank website, click the "Card Operations" tab and choose "Block".

If you have an SMS message on the phone that your card is locked and to cancel the lock must be call On such a number, remember the following. This is a hoax and do this in no case! With any doubt costs call In the count center or contact the nearest branch of Sberbank.

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