How to get a bank card

How to get a bank card

Today, almost every person has bank cards. Get them quite simple: you need to contact the department of your favorite bank, where you will have a professional consultation, and write an application for the card issue.

The Visa payment system card, MasterCard can be used in any country in the world, where there is an ATM, payment reception device. This is their attractiveness. Services for the opening and maintenance of data of maps offer many banks, but everyone has its own tariffs and conditions. Decide with what bank you want to cooperate. Share acquaintances, read the reviews on the Internet, go to the consultation. Consider the business reputation of the Bank and how wide the network of ATMs and offices on the territory you need.

You must clearly understand what type of card want to get. The debit card provides for the use of own funds that are available on the card. The owner of a credit card can take money into debt, that is, to take a loan in the bank under the agreed interest rate. It is also possible to arrange a debit card with overdraft. In this case, the client can use its own funds for free, and if necessary, take the amount, a large balance on the card, but not exceeding the limit of the installed overdraft. For the use of credit funds, in this case will have to pay. Often the overdraft service is connected to a salary card of the employees of the enterprise serving for a salary project in the bank.

Also, bank cards are divided into several classes: the lowest (they include Maestro, Visa Electron), medium (MasterCard Standart, Visa Classic), privileged (for example, Platinum, Gold). The class of cards determines its capabilities, the presence of bonuses, but it should be understood that the higher the class of the card, the more expensive its service in the bank.

To arrange a debit card, it is enough to present a passport with registration and the Inn code. To get a credit card, you may need more time and documents. In particular, it is desirable to have a document confirming income with you. So you will provide more chances on a positive solution, and the limit on the card can be approved above.

When you were determined with the type and class of the card, the bank chose, the case remains for small. You need to visit the bank, write an application for the release of the card, pay the cost of annual service if necessary. On average, the nominal card is manufactured for three to five days, after which you can pick it up with the PIN code. It will be useful for you to carry out operations at ATM, when paying a card for goods in the store. This code should not be shown to unauthorized persons in order to avoid fraudulent encroachments towards your funds. Some banks offer an accelerated issue of cards for an additional charge.

Choosing a bank, note that many of them now offer additional service to their customers: the ability to manage an account via the Internet, telephone. This greatly simplifies access to information and allows you to perform operations without leaving the house, office.

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