Bank cards are almost the perfect, safe, comfortable tool for managing money. More and more people prefer to use a plastic card instead of risky cash, which can be lost, thoughtlessly spend, etc. But funds on the banking card are early or late end, and the account must be replenished. What ways you can credit money on the card and how to do it most convenient - read further.
One of the ways who have gained popularity not so long ago - replenishment of the card through a virtual wallet. Today, a certain amount of population is working on the Internet network, and also receives wages. In this regard, you can transfer money to the bank card, without leaving home. It is enough just to introduce the necessary data and wait two to three banking days.
You can also use a specialized ATM with the function of receiving money. Such a process is quite simple and quick: insert a card, enter the code, set the amount, make money. The advantage of such replenishment is the instant enrollment of funds to the account. It is better to use an ATM of its financial institution, as the other will have to pay a considerable commission.
If both previous options are not available for certain reasons, you can go to the bank branch and make the necessary operation exactly there. You must have a passport with yourself so that the employee can credit the data of your funds to your account. If only extraneous banks are located nearby, you can also use them. But in the same time you will be forced to pay for the transaction operation in the amount established by a specific institution.
All three methods should be triggered to determine which one more than others is suitable for you (the minimum commission, the most fast enrollment, etc.). In addition, it is better to replenish the card in advance so that it always stored enough money to pay for urgent services and goods.
Of course, plastic cards have several minuses. But despite this, more and more consumers of different age categories tend their choice precisely in their favor.