How to get an interest-free loan

How to get an interest-free loan

Is it possible to take a bank loan and do not pay interest? Yes, if you comply with a number of conditions and carefully read the contract. About how it is better to do and what pitfalls can wait for you, read in this material.

The first option is a large purchase in the store. Sometimes companies conclude an agreement with the Bank and themselves pay interest on the loan, or make a discount on the goods, which ultimately covers the amount of interest. Typically, auto shows and household appliances or furniture sales points. In order not to stay in the minus, compare prices for the purchased goods with their cost in other stores.

Banks can provide a loan in monetary terms without interest. As a rule, we are talking about a large amount, to pay off in a short time. For example, you can get on credit hundred thousand rubles and redeem debt within three months. In case of delay, interest will be accrued not to the balance of debt, but for the entire amount and for the entire loan period. Please note whether there are no hidden commissions: for making money to the account, urgent issuance or for early repayment.

The next way is to buy housing. An interest-free loan in the form of installments in this case provides the developer. Of course, buy an apartment on such conditions is more profitable than to take into a mortgage. But usually requires a large initial fee - up to fifty percent. There is usually no hidden commission here, because the developer himself is interested in selling.

And the last way is to issue a credit card. Each card has the so-called "grace repayment period." It is also called the "green corridor", "fork" or "Grace-period". If you extinguish a loan before the deadline expires, then the percentages are not accrued. Basically, the grace period begins not from the moment of purchase, but from the beginning of the month. Consider this moment so as not to get to come. Also pay attention to the Card Service Commission, the percentage amount for cash and insurance is not to overpay.

As you can see, it is possible to get a loan without percent. The main thing is to carefully examine the conditions and repay the debt on time, without disrupting the deadlines.

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