How to quickly pay a loan

How to quickly pay a loan

Today, almost all Russians enjoy the services of banks and other financial organizations issuing a variety of loans. The loan is bought housing, cars, household appliances and things of everyday use. Credit can be repaired for treatment, training and rest. In order to quickly pay off a loan and live quietly without the "Domoclov sword" in the form of debt bank, use the following tips.

Paying every month the main amount of debt, try to make overpaid, i.e. Give the bank more money than he is waiting for you. Such a small overpayment will gradually reduce the bulk of debt, and you do not have to pay extra interest on the loan.

If you have several loans, then you must be the first to repay debt to those loans, where the interest rate is the largest. Faster paying great interest, you minimize the amount of overpayment, and you can send free money to pay a small loan.


If the bank in which you took a loan, conducts a share of loans for a low percentage, then use the refinancing service. Those. Let's conclude with him a new contract for a new loan under a lower percentage than in the initial contract. The second amount took on credit to repay the first loan. Well, then you already extinguish a more profitable loan. By the way, refinancing can be issued in another bank, and not only in where the loan was taken.


Do not miss a loan payment timing - even one day of delay will increase your total debt. For several months, the amount of debt can grow to catastrophic sizes. Look for money by any paths.

In order to find the extra money, keep a personal monthly financial plan, in which the pre-plan all future financial transactions - both profitable (salary, etc..) And supplies (grocery shopping, paying utility bills, birthday celebrations, trips to the cinema and etc.). Comparing the two financial components, you can always find what to save, to then give the money to the bank.

Find more work, even though internet. Working at night can significantly improve their financial situation and additional funds directed to the early repayment of the loan. Earn a certain amount can be by all meansThe main thing that was a desire to quickly settle accounts with the credit.

If you have a good relationship with the family and have the opportunity to borrow a large sum without interest, use them with kindness. Pay most of the credit, and thus reducing the interest rate on it. Well, then give money to relatives.

If you are not sure that you can repay the loan, it is better to not take. This advice applies only to so-called consumer loans - to buy things, to rest, to repair. These are the things, without which it is quite possible to live. The loan is for housing, treatment or training to take still have - to live without these things is difficult. But you already know, how fast such a loan to pay off.

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