No money to pay a loan. What to do?

No money to pay a loan. What to do?

As folk wisdom says, we lent others, but returning your own. If the procedure for making loans is now very simple and can be debt in just a few minutes, then problems often arise with the return of money. The situation of lack of funds for repayment of loans is unenviable, and each responds differently to it - someone disables the phones and ignores reminders by email, which is quite unreasonable, because this debt is only increasing. Some lent in another bank or friends to pay off a loan, and someone tries to urgently sell the car, an apartment, another property to solve the problem. How to do it right when there are no funds for the return of loans?

First of all, you do not need to close your eyes and hope for a miracle that the money from somewhere will appear, it is necessary to take measures as soon as financial problems arise. There are several ways to get out of the debt pits, and all of them are quite real. When making any loan is an insurance contract, and is the time to look into it. Perhaps the circumstances that do not give you the opportunity to pay the debt are due to your insurance (loss of work, illness). Having collected the necessary documents (a copy of the record in the employment book on the dismissal and the order of the employer, the medical conclusion about injury or illness, etc.), you need to submit them to the insurance company. If all the circumstances are confirmed, an appropriate decision will be made to delay payments or even cancel your loan.

Restructuring is the most common way to significantly reduce the monthly contribution, the truth will have to pay a loan for a longer period. It is enough to contact your bank with a statement, and in most cases you will be offered a new debt repayment schedule, which you will be able to fulfill. Make sure that a new agreement and schedule will be signed by the representative of the Bank and is certified.

What to do-if there is nothing-paid-in credit1

If in the future you do not expect to improve your financial condition, then it is better to wait for the court. You can achieve installments of loan payments, and the amount that should be returned will not exceed the principal debt. In the event that your property has become a pledge when making a loan, then after its sale, only the amount of debt will be returned to the bank, and the remaining money will be returned to you. It should only be taken into account that, as a rule, property is sold at a price below the market, which is not very profitable.

If the loan is not returning, the first thing is superimposed by the arrest on your accounts, and the debt is deducted from the official salary or pension, in their absence and if you do not have any property - the debt is written off, the case is closed. Of course, you will have to go through a lot of unpleasant minutes of communication with representatives of the bank, ship proceedings and other bureaucratic procedures. It is worthwing to know that criminal liability threatens only malicious defaulters if the amount exceeds 1.5 million rubles, as well as if the borrower passed some important information and showed the reluctance to voluntarily repay the debt.

There is still the possibility of concluding a cessia agreement when the rights to your duty are transmitted to a third party who can even become your relative. With this procedure, the amount of debt is much less than that the bank is more profitable than to lose hope at the return of the loan.

Even if a black strip came in your life, one should not despair, the problem of repaying loans can be solved quite civilized. Bad times will be completely ended, and it is possible to temporarily solve the problem due to the issuance of a loan in another bank, only under more favorable interest than when the first loan. The main thing is not to fall into despair, do not hide from the problem, cooperation with the bank will help find a way out of this situation.

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eJHRY 03/08/2015 at 23:50

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Igor 03/21/2016 at 7:13.

The restructuring will not save, especially since banks replacing the concepts of restructuring on refinancing and the sum of debt increases almost two. I think so you need to go only to court and take no more than 50% of your income through the bailiffs.

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