How to return debt from the debtor

How to return debt from the debtor

Almost every familiar situation: ask to give money in debt and promise to return the time, but it takes time, and about the debt it seems to be forgotten. When the amount is small or means yet urgently needed, somehow you can endure. What if they urgently needed or the amount of debt significant? How to proceed?

Send you, of course, to take asleep? In a person who lent, perhaps, not at all in the rules of debts to give. Believing that you do not prove the very fact of debt, it feels unacceptable. As long as you are not aware of the reasons forcing a person to do so dishonoraly, do not hurry to take serious measures. First, try to talk to him, perhaps he fell into a very difficult situation and at the moment can not return anything, no matter how you drank on it, but will return it later. Well, if everything really is so, then you should wait.

If you find out that a person, to put it mildly, optional and believes that money can not be given at all, as there are no documents confirming the availability of debt, then contact the police. The fact is that in the Criminal Code there are surprise for such irresponsible citizens in the form of an article on the embezzlement of funds by deception and abuse of trust, classifying it as fraud. Of course, some indirect evidence will be required, and even better if there are witnesses. The debtor was unlikely to expect such a turn of events and returns money.

If the prospect of being convicted of the debtor does not frighten and it is persistently on his own, then the interrogation is waiting for him in the police station. There, he probably will put forward a version that he was not going to abduct money, but he took them in debt and returns to the future. Although the criminal case does not open, but you will have a document confirming that there is a debt that you do not return.

Having such a good argument, you can go to court. In addition to the ruling received at the police station, we also get an audio record of a conversation with the debtor for a voluntary return of money, to have a good witness testimony. Indirect proof of the existence of debt can also be the acquisition by a person who lent money from you, some real estate or cars for income, which are clearly not enough to do so. The process usually takes quite a long time.

Next, the court decision. If it is on your side, then the bailiffs will help you with the money. But it may be decided that you are not at all profitable. Then go on, because there are higher instances.

If you have a receipt, the epic on the return of debt will be shorter and the court will accurately become on your side. But suddenly the debtor will be completely poor, then all your efforts may be in vain. In this case, it is better to negotiate with him that as soon as his affairs, he will return duty.

Whatever the situation has developed, you will die to defend your interests. After all, open to someone who knocks.

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