How to learn debts for bailiffs

How to learn debts for bailiffs

Many mistakenly believe that they cannot have debts about which they do not know. Even if you trust your memory completely, keep in mind that there may be debts that you have not forgotten, but did not know. The fact is that the court recovery courts can take place without the presence of the defendant. We add to this possible loss of judicial correspondence or accommodation not at the place of registration and we get the existing executive production that you do not even know. Moreover, troubles usually brings not the fact of the presence of outstanding debt, but the incommodation of the news about it. If the amount is not large, it is unlikely that bailiffs are knocked off to find you. However, the trip abroad can seriously obstruct the fact of debt - you will simply not be released abroad until you pay them. So, it is better to always make sure that you should not have anything about anyone. This will help you the site of the Federal Bailiff Service (FSSP) of Russia, which provides access to the Bank of Executive Production Online.

To access the jar of production, go to the official website of the FSSP, the address is simple: The site will immediately offer to learn about your debts - a large overflowing button just opens the electronic service you need.


On the Service page you will see a large amount of reference information. In addition to the service for the use of the service, the page provides information on the fact that only part of the Bank of Executive Production is published on the Internet - the requirements for judicial acts that cannot be published on the Internet, there are no banks in the bank.

To search for executive processes, you can fill out one of three forms: the first to search according to individuals, the second is to search for enterprises, the third is to search for an enforcement proceedings (if you have its number). Fill out the form at a minimum, selecting the territorial department and entering the name and name of the individual, click the "Search" button.

The found information will be displayed in the form of a table, which indicates the name of the debtor's birth date, the number of the decision, the details of the document, the reason for the reason for the completion of production, the subject of recovery, the department of bailiffs, the name and contact phones of the bailiff.

If the debt has not yet been paid, the date cell and the reasons for the completion of production will be empty, and the "Pay" button will be active. The system will offer you a choice of several payment methods. Bank cards are supported, payment from mobile account, electronic money. The Commission will be determined depending on the selected payment method. If you want to pay for the age of debt, select "Receipt" to form a receipt and pay it personally in a bank.

The bailiffs service also offers to use to search for debts by the mobile application of the FSSP, which is available for Android, iOS and Windows Phone operating systems, or an application on social networks VKontakte and classmates. In addition to finding executive proceedings, an application can be subscribed to notifications about the new IP in your name or about the change in the status of former production.

Information about the availability of enforcement proceedings can be obtained through the portal of public services. Users can get the appropriate state service online on the portal or at beta version portal.

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