Suddenly there will be an unpleasant situation that you lost your passport, then, besides his legal restoration, it is necessary to know if you have a loan. The fact is that the passport may not be lost, and is stolen specifically in order to make an illegal loan on it. Unfortunately, such stories have a place to be.
An unscrupulous citizen can take advantage of a stranger passport to get a "loan without collateral on the day of circulation." To attract a greater number of borrowers, many credit organizations lure customers with such light loans. Warma needs only to be able to fake your signature - and his money in his pocket. And the loan is "hanging" on you.
When you did all the steps to protect yourself from the "Alien-Your" loan, you can sleep peacefully. Even if you are notified from the bank about the wrong loan with the asscription about the initiation of the case of a do not return, you have a document confirming the loss or theft of a passport. This is a copy of the statement to the police. Be vigilant and store your passport in a safe place.