How to find out the credit history online for free

How to find out the credit history online for free

There are cases when the loan is issued for incomprehensible reasons, arguing a negative solution to a bad credit history. There is no need to despair immediately. There may be an error in your history, or scammers took credit into your name. Having found any problems, you can fix them in time by applying to the relevant authorities. How else can I find out the credit history yourself?

First of all, find out how many bureaus may remain your story. Submit the appropriate request to the TsKKI - the central catalog of credit stories, in order to clarify this moment. Tskki is a kind of "search engine" at different bureaus.

You can apply, using the official site of the Central Bank. Notify the subject of the subject of K.I., specified in the loan agreement. This is an alphanumeric combination, which is not difficult to find. For the income of the contract, it is better to contact the Bank for Restoration.

After a certain time in your email will be sent reply to the TsKKI. This is a list of bureaus in which your credit history can be kept.

Next, act at your discretion. In one case, you can take the necessary documents and go to the office of the Bureau. In the second - to use their website, where after registering you can view your credit history.

For identification, a mobile phone with the number specified when the loan is seen. In this time, it should be in you, SMS confirmation will come to this number.

Also note that the Bureau of Credit Stories is a commercial enterprise. You will be able to view your credit history for free once a year, in other cases - for a fixed fee.

From the list of offered bureaus (in response from the Central Committee), find something that provides online viewing. Since not every bureau to. And. To date, it can please such an option. Often, besides this, there are several more types of type: alerts on changes in credit history, protection against fraud, the ability to change, help in correction.

To date, most borrowers want to have the ability to view the credit history online. Many banks are already providing such an opportunity. Others - work on its development. If at the moment your bank does not apply to neither the first or second, take advantage of our advice, in order to solve this small, but serious question.

Paid credit history

You can pay a little, but learn more detailed information about your credit history on the site mooring.rf..


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maks. 07/31/2016 at 16:00

Find credit history on


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