How to Clean Credit Story

How to Clean Credit Story

If a bank or other financial institution is repeatedly refuses to issue even a small consumer loan, most likely, the problem is credit history. Perhaps, at one time, you were undisciplined loose credit or abandoned payments at him. The borrower with a negative credit history get a new loan is very difficult, so it is worth thinking about the restoration of the "credit" reputation.

Correctional work on the "negative image" start with the elimination of all debts on loans. Thus, you gradually restore the lost confidence of banking institutions to your person. Do not forget about the timely payment of utility, tax and other payments. Disciplined payment of all accounts - it is from this that the correction of negative credit history begins.

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After that, try to take a new loan in those banks where there were no overdue for payments. Tune in immediately that you are not waiting for you open arms. Your task is to convince the lender in that now you are a conscientious trustworthy client. It is advisable to have discharge about the timely repayment of various accounts. Take a small amount on credit and properly repay it.

After paying a small loan, according to the schedule, try to take the next loan. And again disciplined repay the monthly payments without overdue. An important nuance: for the time of correction of credit history, forget about early repayment of the loan. Banks love customers who return the debt in a timely manner, but not earlier than the period specified in the loan agreement. The position of the lender is clear - with early repayment, the bankers lose part of the planned profits.

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Apply for a credit card. Most likely, in the issuance of a credit card you will not be denied, but be prepared that the limit on the map will be small, and the percentage is high enough. To avoid a big overpayment, when the map is designing, the Features of the grace period with the credit manager are a temporary segment set in a loan agreement during which you can use credit funds for free. Subject to the timely payment of current payments on the map, the Bank will eventually be able to increase the limit and reduce the percentage of the loan.

Periodically check your credit history for errors. Each borrower has the right to request in the BKA, and once a year you can get information completely free. If you have found errors or inaccuracies in your "dossier" (for example, information that you had a large debt in credit history, and there is no duty to be repaid), require them to correct. Unfortunately, there are cases when the executive borrower has a stained financial reputation due to the mistakes of the Bank's employees.


Now you know how to fix credit history. The main thing is to fulfill contractual obligations in a timely manner, in order to avoid problems with obtaining the required loan.

Comments leave a comment
Andrey 05/18/2017 at 11:53.

this is not advice))) guys do you advise a drowning learner to swim? That is, a person must take a jar back again)))) kindergarten ...
The advice is next ... Find a person who receives its income is not correct ... Conclude a contract that you create an IP and cash all of its payments under 10 percent in response, it reaches your loans ...
He pays 19,000 + 6 percent of income
You get a bonus in the Pension Fund of Russia, pay all loans .. and clean your story ...
And where to take these people?
Yes, at least ads in the entrance)))) This activity is legitimate ... That person will pay you for the services of you ... I advise "promotion of the site" or business support))))

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