How to quickly get a cash loan

How to quickly get a cash loan

To borrow money in a short time - who did not come across such a problem? But if earlier it was easy to take someone from someone a small amount, then today it is not accepted, and we are increasingly applying to banks that offer many lending programs, including express loans.

When making any loan, you must provide many documents: wage certificates, documents for property deposit. In order to collect them, you need time, and often the borrower funds are required immediately. To quickly obtain a loan, you can use in different ways, for example, to make a credit card or receive an express cash loan directly in the bank.

To make a credit card, it is enough to present a passport and identification number of tax payer. Some banks offer online to apply via the Bank's Internet resource for the credit card. In addition to quick decoration, the client is convenient to repay credit funds in any corner of the country, it is enough to find the terminal or a bank branch. A pleasant bonus for credit cardholders is the preferential period of repayment of the loan (from 30 to 60 days during which interest on the use of the loan is not collected).

The lack of using the card can be called a small amount of available credit funds (the greatest amounts may be 50-100 thousand rubles). In addition, interest for the use of credit funds is quite high, and the Commission (4-5% of the amount) is charged when removing the money), interest on the use of funds after the grace period.

You can also place an express loan in the bank, providing a minimum package of documents - the passport and the identification number of the tax payer, it is desirable to make a certificate of income in the form of 2-NDFL, and in just an hour you can get a loan. Requirements for the borrower Standard: age from 18 (in some banks from 21) to 59-69 years at the date of repayment of the loan, permanent registration in Russia, the presence of stable work and sufficient earnings to repay the loan.

The disadvantage of such an express loan is a high interest rate, penalties for early repayment. If the borrower does not have the ability to make a loan payment in time, the awesome fines are provided.

To be in difficult times without funds - a very unpleasant situation, so it is possible to make an express credit card to solve it or contact the bank to quickly get a cash loan. Each of these types of lending has its advantages and disadvantages, but with their help you can quickly solve financial problems.

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