How to get a loan for agriculture

How to get a loan for agriculture

Agriculture occupies an important place in the country's economy, and the government of all means attracts funds to the industry. If you come to the problem with the mind, financial institutions will agree to allocate funds for the development of the enterprise.

Most often, the funds spend on the development of infrastructure, an increase in the number of personnel, the expansion of the area being processed, the acquisition of technology.


To obtain funds, it is necessary to fill out a questionnaire with detailed information about its agricultural enterprise. There is also a plan with the plan development of the enterprise and the calculations of the alleged income. Experts are studying the documentation and report their decision.

A positive conclusion is influenced by a stable financial position of the client. About 25% of the funds for the implementation of plans are paid by the entrepreneur itself.

This is a targeted lending, therefore the bank checks the use of allocated funds, demanding reports on implementation. With a large amount of loan (more than 300 thousand), a guarantor is needed.

Borrowers receive loans with reduced interest rates - up to 18% per annum. At such loans do not increase interest rates without coordination with the client, and penalties are weaker than in other programs.

Loans for agriculture agree not to allocate all banks, so Russian farmers cannot hope for mass support from these structures.

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