How to get agricultural credit

How to get agricultural credit

The development of agriculture and small business is the priority direction of the country's economic policy. Especially to support farmers and entrepreneurs working in the agrarian sector, some banks have introduced a new type of loan. The goal of the loan is to assist in the development of agricultural enterprises, so the loan is provided on favorable conditions and low interest rate. To take such a loan is not difficult, the main thing is to meet all the requirements of the bank and prepare a package of necessary documents.

We choose a bank that provides a loan for the development of farming, modernization and expansion of personal subsidiary farm. Such lending is offered banks: Sberbank, Rosselkhozbank, Vneshtorgbank, Rosbank.

We find out what we have the right to spend the funds received. The low interest rate is provided at the expense of the state subsidies, so money received in the bank can only be used for specific purposes: the purchase of agricultural machinery, the purchase of young, the development of the subsidiary farm, the conduct of seasonal work, the conduct of gas, the development of gardening, etc.

We find out the bank's requirements for the provision of a target loan. First of all, it is necessary to have the appropriate age: financial responsibilities begins with 18 years, and banks will refuse to persons who have become over 65 years old before the full payment of the loan, at this age the person, according to the internal statute of the bank, can not have other income but a pension. The next requirement is the presence of a personal account, which should be the entry in a special farm book, and the petition of the local administration. If you are the only worker of the farm enterprise, then obliged to insure health and life. Permanent work experience is at least 1 year.

Evaluate the level of development of their farm before taking a loan. To obtain a loan, it is necessary to have a minimum set of agricultural machinery and equipment on the farm for the normal functioning of the enterprise. For example, a livestock farm should have a room for livestock, warehouses for feed and products. For the farm engaged in the cultivation of grain and other crops, it is necessary: \u200b\u200btechnique for collecting and planting a crop, barns for its storage.

Confirm your solvency. Imagine the banks following documents: wage certificates (in 2-NDFL format), pensions, calculated revenue documents from your enterprise. If necessary, the bank can be pledged to the liquid property - an apartment, a car, land. If the loan amount exceeds 30,000, then guarantors are needed. The number of guarantors depends on the value of the loan.

Determine the purpose of lending. For up to 5 years, agricultural cottage can be obtained for capital investments. For two years, you will be provided with preferential loan repayment conditions. If the borrower is going to acquire spare parts for equipment, fuel and fuel, young, seeds, fertilizers, feed, agricultural equipment, or pay for rental of warehouses, barns, land, then the maximum loan period is 2 years. The preferential period of repayment of the principal amount of the loan is 12 months. The maximum loan amount does not exceed 300,000 rubles.

All listed requirements are quite numerous and serious. We conclude: get online agricultural credit in the bank will not work. On the Internet you can find calculator calculating the approximate loan payment amount. You can also submit an online application for a request for a loan: Fill out the required contact fields and the desired amount. This is the order of the "callback", the decision on the application takes the Bank. After granting all the necessary documents, the Bank will make a final decision for approximately within a week.

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