How to request a credit history

How to request a credit history

Getting a loan largely depends on the solvency of the borrower. However, its high indicator does not always give a hundred percent warranty on a positive lending response from a credit institution. Sometimes the refusal is given even without explanation. This may be due to the fact that the borrower has a bad credit history.

Credit history accumulates and stored in various credit history bureaus. Data on one entity can be stored in several bureaus. Therefore, first of all it is necessary to obtain a list of bureaus, which have data on the credit history of a particular subject. To do this, send a request for such information to the central credit catalog of credit stories. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • registration of the CKKKI request for data on credit bureaus;
  • payment of the services of the CCCI on the provision of information;
  • sending a request to the entire bureau where according to the TsKka report there is a credit history.

Methods for transferring requests to the CKKI:

  • through the form on the official website of the Bank of Russia, indicating the address of the customer's email, because The report is provided only in electronic form;
  • through credit institution, notary or bureaus of credit stories, whose representatives must have written permission to such actions on behalf of which need to be requested;
  • through the post office branches.

To make a request on the official website of the Bank of Russia, it is worth indicating the so-called code of the subject of credit history, which is formed at the time of concluding a lending agreement. If necessary, this code can be changed or deleted. In other cases, this code is not required.

The request through the departments of the postal service should be signed by a subject or a representative of a credit history entity, for legal entities - is supported by stamp. Compliance with the information in a request with all documents is checked by the operator, which makes the appropriate marker about the truthfulness of the information provided. Sometimes it is required to certify the notary signature of the credit history entity. The text of the telegrams should indicate the details of the credit history entity and provide originals or certified copies of documents:

  • for an individual, including an individual entrepreneur, you need to specify the name, name, patronymic, series, number, date of issuing a document certifying the identity, email address;
  • for a legal entity - full name and registration number, taxpayer identification number and email address.


Credit history is a comprehensive information about the loans received and on the fulfillment of obligations on them a specific subject. Credit history consists of several parts:

  • identification data on the borrower;
  • information on the obligations of the borrower: the amount, the deadlines for the fulfillment of obligations, the timing of the payment of interest, etc.;
  • information about data formation sources and credit history users.

Credit-history error

Obtaining information on credit history is impossible without the written consent of the subject of the requested credit history.

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