How to refuse a credit card

How to refuse a credit card

If any financial relations with the bank occur, be this registration of wages or commodity loan, the client will be offered a credit card, regardless of whether he wants to receive it or not. Often, bank employees are simply imposed on their potential customers "plastic" with light money, sending credit cards by mail. Refuse such a "gift" is not easy, but really.

If the credit card is proposed to the Client directly in its presence, it is possible to refuse it immediately in place, simply without signing any agreements on its design.

If a plastic "gift" with light money is received by mail and it is not activated in the nearest ATM, it should be destroyed with the easiest way - just cut with scissors to disrupt the integrity of the magnetic tape.

In the event that the Bank's client himself gives written consent to the issue of a credit card for him, but it does not plan to use it when receiving does not plan, he should contact the bank, write a statement and abandon this product. Before this borrower, you need to check the financial status of the card and make sure that there are no debts on it, since it is very often a bank in a period of time as a lender, with the consent of the borrower to the issue of the card, hesitates a certain amount from it for the service and for its own release.

The bank can also block a credit card immediately at the request of the client or after half a year, but again this mechanism works if the card has not been activated. The bank itself can terminate the contract with the borrower unilaterally, if the tariff plan for servicing the card is free.

When using money on the map and full repayment of the entire loan, you can make a desire to close the map. Having a passport with it, you need to contact the bank, write a statement with the wish of cancellation of a loan account, assure this paper and demand a certificate confirming that there are no debts on the current account.

If, before the end of the Card's term, about one month left and the borrower no longer wants to take into debt from the bank, he should contact a bank about the signal that such a product is no longer needed. All this needs to be done quickly so that the bank does not release a new credit card.

Loans. - Credit Credits. - What-thread-need-you1

Before you take a credit card with a credit card and led into debt bole, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with all the points of the contract, tariffs, insurance and commissions. Remember that this is a financial institution for overdue loan payments will be asked with special rigidity.

Comments leave a comment
Lily 13/08/2016 at 1:27

Lord, when are you in Russian to learn? Do not "hide", and "fit"!


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