How to abandon Osago

How to abandon Osago

It is impossible to completely abandon OSAGO, since the laws existing in Russia oblige the driver to the mandatory insurance of the car. If you are very accurate, you are not at all your car, and your possible affected by accidents, whether someone's vehicle or people are drivers, passengers, pedestrians. So the only way to completely abandon OSAGO is to walk.

You have the opportunity to abandon additional optional services that the motorways are offered to pay together with the mandatory policy. Last time, plots of unfair insurance firms appear in the press, which impose additional services to customers, such as lifetime insurance with value of about 2 thousand rubles. And if the client refuses to pay this service, the insurance in turn refuses him in concluding the contract.

If you hit this situation, it is possible to resolve it on the spot, telling the manager that you will write a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor and contact the prosecutor's office. If it does not raise actions, then you will have to do the promise. However, it may not help. After conducting an inspection, the prosecutor's office will make the insurer a warning of violating the law, but no real actions that contribute to the conclusion of the contract is most likely not.

The only 100 percent chance to conclude a contract without paying additional services against the desire of the insurer is a positive court decision. That is, you should write a statement that you want to conclude a contract, get a written refusal to this and after writing a statement to the court by attaching all the documents. Since to refuse you on legal grounds, the insurance company cannot, the court will solve the case in your favor. But all this will take quite a lot of time, so if you decide to go exactly this way, do it in advance so as not to stay without insurance for the trial.

If the problems have passed you at the conclusion of the Agreement of the Agreement, you may have the need to terminate the CTP Agreement without waiting for its end. This is a completely likely situation in case you decide to sell a car or go to another company. At the same time, the amount of insurance is recalculated, and the remaining unused amount is paid to you.

Carefully read the terms of the contract you entered into the insurer. It should be spelled out the deadlines in which you are obliged to notify the company about the desire to terminate the contract, usually they constitute 2 weeks. Write a statement about the request of the termination of the contract, using the form provided for this. It can be taken in the company itself, on the website of the insurer on the Internet or simply in free form.

Take the application and insurance policy to the company's office and pass the manager. Here you will consider the amount that is subject to return. Do not forget that this amount will not be proportional to the remaining unused insurance time - the percentage of payments is stipulated in the contract and the revision is not subject to. Here you can write an application for the return of the insurance premium and leave an invoice to which money will subsequently will be translated. Or you can get them in cash at the company's office. During the period specified in the contract, your application will be considered, we will report on the decision, after which you can get money, and insurance will be canceled.

The presence of insurance policy of the OSAGO is necessarily for all owners of vehicles in Russia. Without this policy, you are waiting for serious trouble on the road not only in the event of an accident, but also with the usual verification of documents by traffic police officers.

Comments leave a comment
Ibrahim 09/04/2016 at 23:26

so I did not understand. What should I do if I came to insure the car, and the manager rests on and imposes additional?
My actions 1,2,3 ..?

To answer
    Andrey 01/06/2016 at 22:49.

    Go to another insurer

    To answer

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