How to increase the size of insurance payments on CTP

How to increase the size of insurance payments on CTP

Mostly accidents are an accident. Although they say that no one is immune from her, but payments to compensation for damage to the accidents exist. But often, insurance companies underestimate the real cost of repairing a car after an accident, thereby putting their owners in a dead end. From this article, you will learn how to increase the compensation of insurers as right methods.

The payment of damage to the OSAO provides in any version of no more than 120 thousand rubles. If the assets of the insurance company undertake the estimated cost of repair, you need to do this:

  • Be sure to explore the responsibilities and rights of your own and insurance company.
  • Contact an independent examination to assess the repair and receipt of specialists. It is recommended its composition from the culprit of an accident and a representative of your insurer.
  • After all the repair calculations, a pre-trial claim is being submitted by the Insurer on the Unscake of Payments. The claim is needed as a substantiation of your appeal to court.
  • The next stage is the filing of a lawsuit. As a result, the trial will be appointed correct re-examination.
  • Copies of all documents should be maintained together with written fixation of their transfer of their transfer to the insurance company.

Within 30 days, the decision of the Court of Central OSA will take effect. To obtain compensation, will remain to take the executive list and give it to the service of bailiffs or to the bank, where there is an insurer's account.

If the damage caused to the accident is more than 120 thousand rubles, you can ask the "Celebration" culprit, whether he has DSAgo. It is an expansion of the OSAGO, covering more significant losses to 1,000,000 rubles and higher.

If it is available, to obtain insurance action as follows:

  • The culprit of the accident you need to take a receipt and a copy of the Insurance Policy of the DSAgo.
  • Get in the traffic police ruling and certificate of form 748 about accidents.
  • Apply to insurers of the culprit of the accident.
  • Provide a disheveled car for inspection.

According to this policy, Ingosstrakh will pay damages caused by the affected side.

That's all, we hope that the material was useful. Be careful on the roads!

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