How to increase the power of the generator VAZ

How to increase the power of the generator VAZ

AC generators are used in motorcycle and vehicle engines. The main components of this device are the stator and the rotor. The first is the fixed part of the generator, the second is mobile. In order to increase the power of the VAZ generator, it is necessary to replace the rotor winding. To carry it out, it is necessary to use a larger wire and increase the volume of the jagged.

The first thing to do is to portray the scheme of winding rotor coils on paper. After they need to be unwind. To implement it, you will need special gloves and passatias.

Unwinding the wire, remember that it is impregnated with a special varnish. After you finish the procedure, be sure to flush the rotor coil. For degreasing, you can use the usual household dishwashing agent.

Next, take the copper wire of a larger cross section and the turn to the turn to the coil diligently wake up onto the coils. Be sure to pull the wire well when winding, otherwise it will fall unevenly. In the process, consider the number of turns. When wrapped the entire wire, you should clean the ends of the wires and check them on the tester on the "short circuit".

Carefully breathe outputs and solder them to contacts. In the same way as the previous winding, the new must be soaked with a special varnish and carefully dry. Only after it is completely dry, use the soldering iron to attach the wires to connect.

Keep in mind that it is necessary not only to draw a winding circuit, but also to fix the location of turns on the coils and the output circuits on paper.

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