How to challenge the payment on the OSAGO

How to challenge the payment on the OSAGO

Insuming your car under the program, we hope that in case of an insured event, we will be able to receive payments sufficient to cover the damage. But, falling into an accident, we are faced with the fact that the insurance company is not ready to provide us with a complete amount of car restoration. By law, we have the right to challenge the payment on the OSAGO.

Immediately after the accident, the arrived inspector will make a certificate. Check the accuracy of the time specified in it, affected by persons, addresses and other circumstances. Special attention should be paid to car damage, try to describe all visible damage. Be sure to make copies of all documents when we go to the traffic police. Do not forget to take the receipt for payment for the car evacuation service, the insurance company is obliged to compensate this amount.

Even if the inspector did not suggest you to go through the test for the presence of alcohol in the blood, go through this procedure yourself, at your own expense, in a special medical institution. Even if you are not to blame for an accident, the presence of alcohol in the blood will make you automatically the culprit. When it comes to court, no one can doubt your sobriety on the day of the accident.

With all the documents available, go to the insurance company and write a statement about the insurance case. The insurance company will appoint the time and date of the car's assessment by an expert. You should not hope for the decency of the expert appointed by the insurance company. Be careful when signing the conclusion of car damage, check that the expert describes all the faults. After evaluation, attract your independent expert from another appraisal company. The main thing is that he has a license.

For 7 working days, send a telegram with a notice to the Insurance Company. In it invite to the examination of their employee. Specify in the text that if it does not appear, you will be forced to evaluate without his participation. Usually none of the insurance company arrives. Do not forget to take a copy of the telegram in the mail and pick up the receipt notice.

Having received the results of the assessment of the insurance company and its expert, compare amounts. If the insurance company has significantly lowered the amount of payments, you have the right to write a statement with a claim in the office of the insurance company. To the application, attach the original assessment of your expert. Make yourself a copy and evaluation, and statements. Ask for the receipt in the statement. Specify in a statement that if payments are not increased or will not follow the answer, you will have to go to court.

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Giving the car to the car service, be sure to enter into an agreement where the amount of repair will be prescribed. It will help you to prove that the insurance company has undertakes payments.

If within 10 days from the date of submission of the statement of the answer will not follow, you have the right to submit to court.

The money listed by the Insurance Company must come within a month from the date of submission of an insurance claim. If they are delayed, you have the right to get a penalty for every overdue day. You will also need to write a letter of penalty in the office of the company. If the money was received, be sure to take an extract in the bank, in which the amount of payment is indicated. This extract can be shown in court.

Find a good lawyer, and if you have all the documents of the collected documents, you will be able to win the case. You will receive fair payment, you will compensate for all costs associated with the court. The insurance company will pay significant fines and penalties.

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