How to get a loan in the bank of Russia

How to get a loan in the bank of Russia

The financial services market of our time offers many programs for lending to their potential customers. Therefore, the correctly chosen loan will not allow regret in the future about an uncomfortable scheme of its repayment and paying large interest. Our today's material contains a step-by-step scheme of your actions to obtain a loan in any bank of Russia. Documents will be embarrassed. This is a personal passport, a copy of the employment record, a certificate of your income.

Determine the purpose of the loan. It depends on the choice of a faithful program from the list of banking services. To purchase an apartment, furniture, a car or household appliances, it is better to choose a target loan. With this option there will be a chance to get a loan with a lower interest rate. Cash financing is suitable for borrowers who wish to unlimitedly dispose of the money obtained. If you want to regularly get a loan in the form of small amounts, it will be faithful to design a bank plastic card.

Collect a package of documents for obtaining a loan. In addition to a personal civil passport with a recording record, you will need an extract about the income of the form of the 2ndfl and photocopy of the workbook with the printing of the company, certified by the signature of the employee of your personnel department. Additional documents confirming solvency can serve as certificates of ownership of the apartment or car registration. The passport with marks about traveling abroad can also be included in this list.

Contact the department of your chosen bank. Here it is necessary to fill out a questionnaire for loan. In it, specify passport data, information about the level of income, place of work and your address. Other sources of funds can be added to the main income but salary. For example, money from the provision of an apartment in the hire.

After passing the required documents to the bank, wait for it. The process of consideration of the possibility of lending can take the time from an hour to a week and more. It all depends on the termination of the bank employees and the type of your loan. For mortgage loans, for example, a long period of studying by the borrower of papers is characterized.

With a positive decision of the financial institution about providing you with borrowed funds, it is necessary to visit his office, having a passport with you. Carefully read the credit contract and sign it. The case is done, now you can get a cash or bank transfer to you.

Good luck to you and reasonable spending!

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