How to get a loan in Moscow without registration

How to get a loan in Moscow without registration

One of the main requirements of the capital banking institutions in the design of loans is the presence of permanent registration. That is why the lack of registration in the non-resident residents of Moscow is a serious obstacle in obtaining a loan.

There are a number of bank institutions that are ready to meet and issue a loan to customers who do not have a Moscow residence. Good credit history and the presence of one or two guarantors with a local permanent registration repeatedly increases your chances of obtaining the necessary loan. Your task is to convince the potential lender in its solvency and execution. In such a situation, oral argumentation is usually not enough.

The passport

To avoid voting, take a copy of the workbook with you (it must be certified by the employer) and 2-NDFL help (better if it is not in the last six months, but for a longer period). Persons who are in a registered marriage can bring similar reference to the Bank confirming the revenues of the second half.

Income certificate

Lenders more loyally refer to customers with temporary registration. Rent housing officially under the contract and insist on registration. Consider that in this case, banking institutions issue a loan solely for a period of temporary registration (that is, the maximum period of a possible loan is 11 months), therefore the loan amount will be small.

Temporary propacuation

To make a loan for a large amount and for a longer period really in the event that at the place of your permanent registration (in another city) there is a representative office (branch) of the bank in which you want to get a loan. As a rule, on its official web resources, banks publish a list of such cities. But be prepared for quite rigid lending conditions - the lack of Moscow registration lenders compensate for an increased interest rate.


Oddly enough, sometimes to persons without permanent registration it is easier to make a big loan for the purchase of housing or a car than to take the usual consumer credit. The risk of banks in the provision of such loans is minimal, since the subject of the contract is the pledge property of the lender until the full loan repayment by the client.


Well, if a firm or an organization in which you are officially employed, is a member of the salary project, and you are charged money on a bank card. In this case, you can count on a credit card from this bank. Credit, of course, will be small, but quite often executive credit card holders are encouraged with an increase in the limit.

Credit card

Persons without a capital registration it is advisable to use the services of an intermediary - a credit broker. It will help to choose a suitable credit program and highlighted a loan. True, the payment of such intermediary services significantly increases the real cost of the loan received.


Following the above recommendations, even those who have no constant Moscow register will be able to get the necessary loan.

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