How to get a loan to the company

How to get a loan to the company

Lending is one of the main resources of any credit institution. Many banks offer their users favorable programs and various promotions. People often take loans for the acquisition of equipment or real estate, but for the expansion of the company much less often.

To take a loan to the firm, you must select the bank correctly. If you already use the services of any credit institution, check with consultants with the opportunity to take a loan on favorable terms. Many banks provide their regular customers favorable or preferential credit conditions. You can also consider the offers of other banks and choose the most profitable program. First of all, pay attention to the reliability of the bank, and then for everything else.

When you choose a suitable credit institution, write the application to the credit inspector. You must provide a package of documents: the financial report of your company, a certificate of credit received in other banks, a certificate of the absence of debts before the state from the tax inspectorate, a document on the revolutions on current accounts.

You also need to provide documents that confirm your leadership, certificate of state registration, a document on introducing into a unified state register, on registration with the tax authority. The main list of documents is listed here, but the bank may require additional, so talk in advance with consultants and specify the accurate list of requirements.

When all required documents are provided, the credit institution will check the reliability and ability of your company to pay a loan. Since the loans of this kind are quite large, you need to provide warranty creditors. It can be expressed as a collateral of your property, the guarantee of another legal entity, etc.

When experts will check your documents, credit and collateral will be assessed, the Bank will decide on the granting of a loan. If it is positive, you need to fill out a loan agreement and indicate the basic credit data: the dates and objectives of the loan, interest rate, the procedure for making payments and so on.

If you need to get a loan for opening an enterprise, you must provide a qualitative business plan with financial analysis, it should have a high potential. Your property must be the property that can cover the size of the loan in the event of its non-payment. Property should be highly liquid to be able to quickly sell at any time.

Before feeding documents, carefully inspect them. The bank will take into account the timely payment of taxes, fulfilling other financial obligations, personal information about the owner itself. If your credit history or documents detect violations of cash payments, the Bank has the full right to refuse to you in lending. Therefore, when opening and maintaining your case, try to prevent friction with government agencies.

If you have not yet chosen the bank in which you want to get a loan, resort to the services of business incubators that are engaged in support for start-up projects of young entrepreneurs. They will help you make the right choice.

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