To obtain credit funds in a bank, the borrower must provide a certain list of documents. Even if you "hoping" on the advertising slogan about "loan without references in 5 minutes," most likely, you will have to show a passport in which there must be local regulation. Most often, banks are very reluctant to issue loans to customers without registration. However, some financial institutions are ready to take risk if you are in other ways to "prove" your reliability.
If you are not spelled out in the city where you want to get a loan, try issuing temporary registration. In this case, the bank will issue a loan for the validity of this type of registration. For the lack of permanent registration, a prerequisite for obtaining a loan is a continuous work experience of at least 1 year. The bank will also consider your application if you provide a certificate of income from the enterprise, and the monthly profit must be quite high.In order not to get to him, going about the dubious advertising of loans "without documents", it is best to explore the terms of lending directly in the banking department or on the website of the institution.