Often situations occur when a loan in the bank is not repaid, but there is a need to take another. Banks are not too soon accepting such customers, and you can often get a failure. The National Bureau of Credit Stories has all the information about unfair payers. Banks are considering every application for loan design individually, debts on loans are also different, so even with a bad credit history you can get a loan.
In order to get a loan on repayment of debt in another bank, you should fill out an application where you need to specify that the funds are necessary for the payment of old debt. To make a loan, you need to have a passport, a second document confirming the identity (driver's license, passport, INN), Help 2-NDFL. If the borrower gets unofficially the main part of the income, it is recommended to submit a certificate in the form of a bank, orally or written confirmed by the employer.If the borrower received a refusal to the bank, it still does not mean that he will also refuse him in another organization. You can prepare documents for credit registration in another bank or use microfinance services.