How to get a loan if there is a delay

How to get a loan if there is a delay

If you have unfulfilled obligations to banks, it can greatly complicate the receipt of a new loan, even if you contact another bank. The fact is that all banks cooperate with the All-Russian credit bureau of credit stories, which contains information on the payment discipline of each banking sector.

There are several levels of violation of the loan payment discipline. Profit up to 7 days is not dangerous, does not spoil the credit history. If the drawing was up to 35 days, it is a medium violation of loan payments, the information is fixed in the aggregate database. The full non-payment of the loan received is a serious impairment and invoes further work with banks under credit products.

However, the information received by the Bank from the Bureau of Credit Stories is not a sentence. First of all, the current financial condition of the client, its solvency, revenue stability is estimated. The Bank has the right to refuse to pay the loan even if there is a single and extension period of all a few days. This usually occurs in the event that there are suspicions about decency or customer solvency. On the other hand, there were cases when the loan received customers who had rather long and regular delay in the past. The Bank necessarily considers the cause of these overdue, the overall economic situation at the time of their appearance, the final result (whether the proceedings were redeeming).

In any case, in the presence of in the past, the overdue should not hide this information from the Bank's employees in which you plan to issue a new loan. It will only aggravate the situation and informs about your business dishonesty. All the same, this fact will pop up, you will tell you about him or not. To confirm your present solvency, prepare a certificate of income from the place of work. This will be a kind of guarantee of your financial stability.

Much more chances on a positive loan solution can be obtained in the presence of a guarantor, mortgage property. For the bank, this will serve as an additional guarantee of the return of the loan.

If you are planning a long and fruitful work with banks on favorable terms, try to repay current loan payments, according to a signed agreement. Then you may not worry about credit history, besides, banks are often prepared by good customers special offers on more favorable terms.

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