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  • Decrehny
    Any employee who is not able to fulfill his labor duties due to illness, may have to issue a sick leave to ensure that on the official basis, to obtain monetary compensation for all the days he missed.
    29.03.2017 454 0
  • Decrehny
    Almost all women in life comes a period of time when they begin to think about creating a strong and friendly family, the appearance of a baby.
    17.02.2015 1695 0
  • State
    To find out how much you get maternity, you do not need to wait for their accruals. Each mother can independently consider the amount relying by law, and this is not completely difficult to do it.
    02.02.2015 2092 0
  • Decrehny
    Planning a family, young women want to be aware of when they should begin to begin registration of the decree and for what time it is allowed to take it.
    26.01.2015 1303 0
  • Decrehny
    The appearance of a child in the family is a big holiday and at the same time huge responsibility. After all, the baby will need attention, care, good food, clothes, stroller, cot, toys and more.
    24.01.2015 1707 0
  • Business
    Being on maternity leave, making money - not a problem at all! There are many ways for this.
    18.07.2014 1400 2
  • Decrehny
    With the advent of the child's money goes several times more. To any parent wants to provide your child with everything necessary.
    10.06.2014 1476 2

