How to get a sick leave

How to get a sick leave

Any employee who is not able to fulfill his labor duties due to illness, may have to issue a sick leave to ensure that on the official basis, to obtain monetary compensation for all the days he missed. What you need and whose conclusion will need - read further.

How to get a hospital sheet - Features of hospital care

To get a well-deserved opportunity to correct the health of the house without losing the earnings, you should visit the attending physician at the hospital (in severe cases - call it home). In some situations, a special commission will be needed to confirm disability. In addition, the hospital can be obtained in order to leave early on the decret, or care for a sick family member. Based on such a document, the amount is calculated, which should cover wage losses. The maximum payment at the moment will be no more than 1,500 rubles per day of the ferut (therefore many prefer to transfer light diseases "on the legs", because it is not profitable outside of work).

Who is entitled to receive hospital?

All officially employed citizens of the Russian Federation, as well as foreigners, have the right to get a sick leave and go for treatment. If the disease has been delayed, and you remain disabled for more than 15 days, a commission is convened to extend the paid "vacation". This is due to other categories of workers:

  • Hospital students receive only during the passage of paid practice, in the remaining periods the certifying disability is issued a certificate that justifies the absence in classes.
  • Hospital for women due to pregnancy and childbirth obstetrician-gynecologist is given a one-time and for the entire period (either by a general practice physician at the moment of the lack of the specified specialist). Paid leave can be taken from the thirtieth week of pregnancy for 140 calendar days (if the gynecologist stated a multiple pregnancy - then from 28 weeks to 156 days).
  • For care for patients with children or adults: 60 days a year, if a child is less than 7 years; 45 days, if the child was not turned 15 (no more than 2 weeks per case); Not more than 30 days per year (every week each), if a family member reached the age of majority.
  • During the disease during a business trip, abroad: after returning the leaflet must be duplicated in Russian medical institution.
  • If a citizen works in several works, it needs to be clarified for the attending physician, followed by the issuance of several hospitals for presenting each company.

Who has a hospital leaf

All certified state and commercial clinics are eliminated by the relevant paper. Do not engage in the problem of the media ambulance service, blood transfusion points, reception hospitals. The actual form is filled with printed signs, after the seal of the institution and the doctor is assigned. If you have errors, the document must be supplemented with the signature "corrected to believe" and the corresponding signatures (more than 2 fixes are not allowed). The hospital is paid not by the employer, but the social insurance fund, based on such a formula:

  • experience up to 5 years - 60% salary;
  • 5 - 8 years old - 80%;
  • 8 or more - 100%, based on the amounts received over the past 2 years;
  • payment for family member: from 7 to 15 years - 100% for the first 10 days of illness;
  • the next 5 days is 50% of the amount.

Forgery of hospital sheets is punishable in accordance with the Criminal Code, if the employer or related bodies have a suspicion of the accuracy of the document.

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