How to make money on maternity leave

How to make money on maternity leave

Being on maternity leave, making money - not a problem at all! There are many ways for this. It does not matter what kind of reason makes you work, the main thing is the goal and correctly selected funds for its implementation!

To begin with, you need to think carefully that you can do what talents you have. If you are easily a trainee, then decide how you would like to do, and learn this case.

One of the common ways to make money on the decree is a needlework:

  • You can knit things under the order or for just for sale.
  • Soaping is also a very popular lesson. The decorative and natural soap is now very in demand, he is glad to buy him and for gifts.
  • Cooking - You can make cakes and other sweets under the order. And maybe someone will need ready-made hot lunches or help in the preparation of semi-finished products.
  • Cutting and sewing - you can also sew and repair clothes at home if you have skills and technical base, or it is possible to purchase a sewing machine and the necessary tools.
  • Making toys - it can be knitted toys for children or seated textile toys. Handmade Christmas tree toys are very appreciated.
  • For those who own a crochet, the manufacture of tablecloths, napkins, plaid, toys, etc.
  • Accessories - at home you can make jewelry: bracelets, necklace, earrings.

You can start the implementation of your products through acquaintances if they like it, the "chain reaction" will work, that is, they will advise you to other familiar and so on. Internet owners can give ads and topics on free sales sites, place information about yourself on forums for moms, you can make yourself advertising on social networks.


For lovers of live communication, network marketing is well suited: Oriflame, Avon, Mary Kay and many other companies. Such an option for active mammies will bring two benefits at once - this is immense, constant communication and, of course, additional income.

Moms with knowledge of foreign languages \u200b\u200bcan perfectly engage in translations at home. Orders will manage to find through the Internet or various print editions. Also can engage in tutoring.

A kindergarten or early development team is suitable for experienced mothers with pedagogical vocation and a modern approach to raising children. Everything that will need is love for kids, the ability to find a common language with them, patience and sufficient area in a residential room.

Sales. Again, through the Internet, retail trade can be done, buying wholesale. Purchases can be made independent, the goods can be a domestic producer or from foreign sites. Or become the organizer of joint purchases under the percentage.

Good income brings writing coursework and diploma works, abstracts and controls. The main thing is to contact the first customers, proven well, and you will have enough work.

And, of course, the Internet. Here you also have an unlimited choice of proposals. If you are not a very experienced PC user, but write good texts - make a rewater, copywriter, set of texts at home. If you are "friends" with a computer, we are well versed in various programs, you can engage in creating websites, their promotion, web design, etc.

As you can see, there are many work options on maternity leave. But, most importantly,: that work brings you not only profit, but also pleasure, did not take a lot of time and effort. After all, maternity leave is designed to educate, for communication and fun with your own baby!

Comments leave a comment
Sveta 08/07/2015 at 11:15

There are a lot of options. Have you used at least one? Only blah blah and everything !!!

To answer
Alexandra 08/24/2015 at 17:12

I am on maternity decree no longer for the first time) than just did not and with clicks and comments and the like ... I understood that all this gently say dubious work not for me. And these kopecks that I do not need everywhere. I always wanted something my own. So opened its own online store of children's goods. As it turned out, it is not so difficult to have your business. I bought a ready online store. So now it's not worth doing on the maternity decid). And most importantly, this business is yours and the long-term perspective.

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