New above
  • In contact with
    Since VKontakte's social network administrators do not have time to control absolutely all records, groups and page pages to invalid materials, each user can help manual in content filtering.
    08.04.2019 262 0
  • In contact with
    Video Gallery of the social network VKontakte contains a huge variety of different videos: ranging from jokes and jokes, ending with the films and TV shows.
    28.02.2019 286 0
  • Aliexpress.
    Sale and promotions help buy goods at attractive prices, as well as perfectly raise the mood to the buyer.
    08.02.2019 326 0
  • Programs
    Among popular messengers, allowing to exchange both messages and multimedia content, is worth noting whatsapp.
    08.02.2019 270 0
  • Google
    The creation of Google Account opens access to all services, sites and Google applications, as well as Gmail mail on all devices that previously passed authorization in your profile.
    05.02.2019 344 0
  • Acquaintance
    Mamba is one of the most popular dating site. A person who wants to meet with the second half creates a questionnaire.
    14.01.2019 305 0
  • Internet
    In the modern world, commercial platforms on the Internet are increasingly gaining popularity. With the help of such portals, you can place the free ad for the sale of any personal items, real estate, animals, etc.
    14.01.2019 296 0
  • Internet
    Yula - site to accommodate ads for the sale of purchasing clothes, cosmetics, furniture, household appliances and other things.
    14.01.2019 310 0
  • Sites
    The electronic diary makes it possible to get information about the studies of the schoolchild. Now, without leaving the house, each parent can find out the successes of his child, whether he was present in the lessons and what kind of homework was set.
    12.01.2019 293 0
  • Education
    The introduction of modern technologies in the school environment greatly facilitates life not only to teachers, but also to schoolchildren with their parents.
    07.01.2019 317 0
  • Internet
    Today, the Internet is not only many games and entertainment, but also a playground. Let's talk today about how you can make a donat, why it is needed and how it can be earned.
    15.10.2018 336 0
  • Internet
    Developers of various applications and other software products take care not only about the functionality of their services, but also comfortable work with them.
    08.10.2018 306 0
  • Internet
    Yandex.Disk is one of the largest and large-scale services that allows you to store, transmit, download, create files virtually.
    17.09.2018 340 0
  • Internet
    Fast walking on the pages on the Internet is possible due to hyperlinks. This is a link between those who want to find information and its location.
    17.09.2018 280 0
  • Health
    For many, a visit to the doctor is associated with huge queues and spending personal time. The lack of coupons in the reception, the absence of a doctor and early parishes in the clinic went to the past, because in 2009 they finally launched the "State Service" portal.
    26.08.2018 471 0
  • Accounts
    Safety of personal information on social networks largely depends on the complexity of the password. That is why it is recommended to set uneasy passwords consisting of capital and lowercase letters, numbers.
    10.06.2018 433 0
  • Internet
    The copying process of the URL at first glance seems simple and understandable. But when there is a need to copy the URL of photos or images, users are lost in guess how to do it right.
    26.05.2018 516 0
  • Website promotion
    You can not submit a website on the Internet without your own banner. Such advertising not only allows you to attract visitors, but is the "face" of the site, its image.
    13.05.2018 317 0
  • Accounts
    Invisible nickname in the style is a great opportunity to surprise friends. How to make an invisible nickname? 1) "0" Instead of the profile name, go to the "Profile Editing" menu - "Nickname" section.
    07.05.2018 381 0
  • Internet
    Social networks are increasingly attracted by a modern person. Most Internet users have several accounts in various social networks.
    11.04.2018 338 0
  • Internet
    If you want to be beautifully issuing your channel on YouTube, then the best solution will be your own intro. You can insert this little animation to any video that will declare your rights to it, create a memorable image and simply a pleasant look from viewing.
    22.01.2018 361 0
  • Accounts
    By registering on the Public Services portal, - - Citizens of the Russian Federation, as well as foreign persons receive the possibility of remote access to both public and municipal services at their place of residence or stay.
    17.01.2018 448 0
  • Internet
    Simple Internet user wants the site pages to be understandable and convenient for reading.
    03.12.2017 422 0
  • Internet
    JQuery libraries can be connected in several ways, they are open and are in free access.
    30.11.2017 342 0
  • Internet
    You can lose access to the YouTube service for several reasons: the first, the most common, it is simple forgetfulness.
    28.11.2017 808 0
  • Internet
    YouTube to this day remains the most popular platform for viewing and distributing your video.
    26.10.2017 484 0
  • House and life
    To pay utility services to residents of the country for a long time, it is not necessary to stand in long queues and have cash with you, because you can use online payment services.
    13.08.2017 460 0
  • Access to the Internet
    Often, to determine the location and personality that wrote an incomprehensible letter or a message on a social network, you need to learn the IP address of the sender.
    12.07.2017 734 0
  • Access to the Internet
    If dubious activity appeared in your computer, and it concerns the browser, then the whole system can be amazed.
    10.07.2017 415 0
  • Sites
    It often happens that you forget the password from a particular account, since I don't use it for a long time.
    06.06.2017 522 0
  • Internet
    YouTube portal is one of the most convenient video exchange and download sites. So your friends and loved ones will be able to follow your creativity and any kind of activity, always be aware of the latest events.
    24.05.2017 541 0
  • Internet
    Cooperation with major representation is always a big benefit for business, especially small and new.
    30.04.2017 508 0
  • WebMoney.
    WebMoney Transfer is the most popular tool for Internet settlements in the CIS countries. We will tell you how to start working in the webmoney system, how to register there and what rights you will have after registration.
    25.03.2017 391 0
  • Internet
    It is known that Paypal's payment system is a payment system No. 1 worldwide. This is the largest plaster that works with any currency.
    21.03.2017 369 0
  • State documents
    Not so long ago, the State Portal of Services has banned the possibility of receiving the INN electronically, so many citizens are unsuccessful trying to find the right section on the site, which is no longer.
    20.03.2017 428 0
  • In contact with
    To communicate with friends on the social network VKontakte, you must open your page so that users can find you.
    04.03.2017 668 0
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