What is Fream

What is Fream

Simple Internet user I want the site pages to be understood and convenient for reading. Rarely someone thinks how data structuring occurs. This issue is concerned about the web designers, which create the image that the user as a result sees on its screen. The assistants in this case are framework.

Frame purpose

In a literal understanding of the frame - this is a frame around the image, the window, the border. With this tool, you can distinguish the site page area to individual zones so that the user is easier to view information.

Special tag \u003cFrame\u003e will give the opportunity to realize your goals into life. For example, if you need to add a fixed panel so that it will not move in contrast to another part of the page, then the frame can easily cope with the task.

The main goal of such a web designer tool is to correctly calculate and divide the site page space on the section. But there is also your minus. When the use of frames goes rational boundaries, you can pick up too much space and the site will become less interesting and convenient.

Principles of work Freimov

To make it easier to understand how frames are created and introduced, they can be represented as table cells. The contents of each cell represent a separate full-fledged web page. A feature of this method is that this page can be located separately (on another server, directory, etc.).

The structure should be built so that it is clear where the "filling" of each frame is located. To accurately determine the address of each of them, an individual URL is assigned.

Fire Structure Creating Algorithm

Depending on which load will carry the site, the features of building its pages and the degree of structure complexity will also change the frame creation algorithm.

There is a standard list that allows you to figure out in more detail how this structure is built:

  1. First you need to determine which view will have a page, what size will be from frames.
  2. Crop your content.
  3. Develop code using tags that will carry a certain semantic load. They will depend on how many windows will be on the screen, which percentage will occupy each of them, etc.
  4. You need to fill empty frames with content.

This is a concise definition of stages. Each level is accompanied by a large set of codes and tags, which can only be able to cope with the web designer.

Tags and attributes - Important components of frames

The frame structure is impossible without the use of tags and attributes. Here are some of them that are most often used in the process:

  1. Tags for framing text and frame layouts. With their help fits information about the number, size and orientation of frames. They have two attributes. The first allows you to set the number and size of strings on the page. Also indicate dimensions in pixels and the percentage of the height of the screen. The second is used to build columns.
  2. Tag created to determine the appearance. It has 6 attributes.

There are also target frames that are used in exceptional cases. This can be attributed to:

  1. Frame "Blank", which will allow the document to be loaded in a new empty window.
  2. The "SELF" tool will indicate that the document will be placed in the frame where the link is activated.
  3. Frame "Tor" allows the document to appear in another window outside the frame.

For those who are alien to programming language, frames are something incomprehensible and difficult to access. But for web designers, such a tool is basic when creating attractive Internet pages. If you delve into the definition and functions of these helpers, the construction of the frame structure seems no longer such a difficult matter.

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