When will be the sales, shares on AlExpress in 2019

When will be the sales, shares on AlExpress in 2019

Sale and promotions help buy goods at attractive prices, as well as perfectly raise the mood to the buyer. On a large-scale trading platform " Aliexpress"You can buy all year round with discounts. If you prepare shopping in advance - the calendar for 2019, then no sale will hide from the eye of the shopaholic.

Winter Tale for Shopaholic

The beginning of 2019 will delight shopping lovers by mass sales. This trend concerns not only " Aliexpress"But the rest of foreign sites. The thing is that at this time of the year there are mass liquidations of the winter collection, various shares are large. Discounts can reach up to 80%. According to marketing marketers, winter sales are not inferior to "Black Friday" and "Cyber \u200b\u200bFront", which are held in autumn.

Planning shopping, you should take into account the specifics of sales on Chinese sites. In early January, the site goes to the holidays in connection with the New Year holidays. The Chinese New Year goes later than in Russia, therefore will have to wait a bit with purchases.

The first large-scale sale in 2019 on " Aliexpress"Passes from January 14 to 21. She has a name "Winter liquidation". A large amount of goods are sold at tempting prices. You can "catch" a discount of more than 70%. Products at pleasant prices are conveniently divided into categories, which allows you to quickly select the desired position. Sometimes it decides who the first will make a redemption.

Yet " Aliexpress"Provides discount coupons in 2 dollars. They can be gained up to 10 pieces.

Winter liquidation smoothly flows into "CyberProup". This event allows:

  • scattle with impressive discounts (for some goods, sellers reduce the price of 80%);
  • participate in contests;
  • get a high cachek.

If you need to update the wardrobe or make other purchases in February, then you can count on "February Farming". Sale to last from February 1 to February 15 and will offer the buyer a lot of goods marked "-70%".

Excellent opportunity to save - get discount coupons. WITH January 29 to February 28 A profitable promotion will be held: buying goods by selling, you can also get a coupon. The maximum discount on them can be $ 11.

Spring goes - Discounts Road!

Spring will also not leave shopaholics without interesting shares. This period will be remembered by the fact that the spring passes Birthday "Aliexpress". Website - Birthday Balloons Packs customers full-scale sales. The event will take place in late March and will include not only an impressive fall in prices, but also:

  • presents in the form of coupons for a discount;
  • surprises from bloggers;
  • obtaining maximum cachekee;
  • competitions and lottery.

In the spring, not only nature is updated. " Aliexpress"It proposes to update his wardrobe, equipment and other goods surrounding the buyer. For this from April 24 to May 2 will be a spring sale called "Spring update". In addition to pleasant prices (discounts will reach 88%), the feature of this event is the emergence of new stores, a significant update of goods in already existing ones.

Summer - time to make purchases

Summer is a time to rest and travel. If you need to buy everything you need for this, you should also remember about " Aliexpress". During this period, a few "hot" shares are held on the site. First - summer Sale. It starts from June 15 and will last 6 days. Buyers are offered to acquire equipment, clothing for adults and children, gadgets with a discount of up to 50%.

At the end of the summer, Shopaholikov is waiting for another shopping - marathon - "Week of Brand". From August 20 to September 1, prices will fall up to 70% on Aliexpress.

The event will be held in 2 stages:

  1. Prejudge, which will take place from 20 to 26. If the goods are selected and a good discount was announced on it, then you can make a prepayment, thereby booking it.
  2. The main part of the sale will be held from August 27 to September 1. These peak falling prices.

Autumn boom on Aliexpress

In the fall on many foreign sites, mass sales and stocks pass. No wonder the experienced shopaholics correctly count their budget, which is profitable to buy during this period.

One of the brightest and large-scale is "SALE 11.11". Prices are so declining that it is profitable to acquire everything. That is why the positions are scattered, like hot cakes. To have time to buy what I liked, you should book the goods in advance.

Services working with Cashbek will help return the impressive part of the fund. Also buyers are waiting for profitable purchases for the purchase, prizes and gifts.

"Black Friday" and subsequent "CyberProup" - The most anticipated autumn events. There comes the first event on the first Friday after thanksgiving day and lasts 4 days. The second sale begins on Monday and suggests breathtaking discounts up to 80%. Coupons, gifts, cumulative cards - another bonus.

Aliexpress is the trading platform on which various sales and stocks are constantly passing. Here you can always find the "hot" product. If you want to endure a serious discount, it is better to stick to shopping - calendar. He will not let me miss this opportunity and recall when it is time to go shopping.

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