How to confirm the account in public services?

How to confirm the account in public services?

By registering on the Public Services portal, - - Citizens of the Russian Federation, as well as foreign persons receive the possibility of remote access to both public and municipal services at their place of residence or stay. For the most complete and useful use of all the features of the portal, it is necessary not only to register on the site, but also to confirm your account - confirm the person. Otherwise, the number of available site services will be limited. How to get this procedure?

Authorization on the website of public services - species and features

Accounts for registered visitors to the service of civil servants are three categories: simplified, standard and confirmed. With the increase in the "confidence level" of the record, the spectrum of its owner of the service is expanded.

Working with the site of public services begins with the registration procedure on the service. According to her, the user receives a simplified registered entry, from which part of the service services is already becoming available. If you need to get the maximum (full) access to the portal services without confirming the created recording can not do.

Ways to verify the public service account

If necessary, you can proceed to verify the user immediately after it is registered on the portal. To this end, it is necessary to open its profile (personal account), to make parameters - data reduction and passport data (or other document certifying the identity of the user) and wait for automatic verification of the entered information. After passing verification:

  • By personal visit to the service center.
  • Using the code received by mail.
  • With digital signature.

Personal visit to the service center

This method of verification may not be most convenient, but everyone can use it. The user service is necessary:

  • Select the nearest convenient service center (list of compartments -
  • Provide a passport and SNILS specialist - to find an account on the portal. An identifier of a personal account is also requested - login. As the latter there are a telephone number of the site user or the address of its email mailbox.
  • Fill out an application for verifying a registered entry in the State Service Service.

After checking the information provided by you, no more than half an hour, the phone number specified during registration will receive an SMS notification of successful verification of the account. The service is free.

Request for the required code via mail

  • By filling out the profile (Passport information and SNILS), select a link "by registered mail" as a method for verifying the user entry.
  • In the form that opens, fill the address is the country of delivery, city, street, house room and apartments, as well as the index.
  • Click "deliver" (or "Order a letter").
  • Get a track number to track correspondence.
  • When the requested information is received, make it on the main page of your profile into the appropriate field.

Using electronic digital signature

If there is an existing UEC (new keys are not released from 01.01.2017), you can choose the use of a digital signature as a recording method.

  • Check the key (select the appropriate certificate).
  • We prescribe a PIN code to read the signature.
  • Sign an application for verification account.

In the case of a positive result of the verification of the information entered, the registered entry will be verified.

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