How to register in the play mark

How to register in the play mark

"Play Market" is one of the most popular online stores where you can buy various applications for your phone and computer, movies, books, as well as music. A new user of the service "Google Play" can be pretty difficult to deal with the entertainment portal.
In order to access the full list of programs in the playing markete you will need to register with "Google". To do this, you need to open the official "Google" site and follow all the following items.

Register in Play Market from Computer

  • Open the Google search system. Click on the left mouse button on the "Login" button.

  • You will go to the entrance page on the entertainment service "Play Market". To start registration, click on the Create Account section, which is at the bottom of the screen.

  • In order to successfully register, you need to fill out all sections of the registration questionnaire. At the end, you should enter a special security code, take the terms of use of the "Google" service and confirm the registration.

  • At the end of the procedure, the Play Market will automatically open, with which you can make all the necessary purchases for your device.

Registration in Play Market from the phone

To register in the playing markete from the phone is very easier than from the computer.

  • In the menu of your phone, find the "Play Market" icon. When you open the application on the phone screen, instantly pops up the window with a proposal to create a Google account.
  • Enter your data, come up with a login and password that can be easily remembered. Password choose such that no one else can guess it. Remember that it should not contain less than 8 characters.
  • Next, you will see a proposal for connecting the social section "Google+". Connect the service for free. In addition, the service is optional, its connection can also be transferred to a more convenient case.

If you comply with all points of step-by-step registration, then you can quickly and confidently create an account on the play mark. In case you have any questions, we suggest you to watch the video instructions for registering on "Google Play Market":

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