How to register in the warfice

How to register in the warfice

Inexperienced players do not know that the game account is required to play in most online games. This article will help create your own account for the game Warface to anyone who wants and start their adventures in one of the most popular shooters of recent years.

For registration you need to go to the official site of Warface, there are many options how to do it. But it will be about two, the easiest. You can use one of the search engines such as Yandex or Google, enter the name of the game: "Warface" and go to the first link, or drive it into the address bar it is: https: //wf.mail. RU /.

To proceed to creating a game account, go to the registration page by clicking on the "Registration" button - the button is located in the upper left part of the site. After that, the browser will translate to another page, where it will be necessary to carefully enter the data in each field for input.

 In the "Your E-mail" field, you must enter your email address.

Attention! You should enter an existing mail, since letters from the administration will come to this mailbox.

After entering an e-mail address, another password input field will appear. This password will be used to enter the game. It is best to come up with a reliable and complex password, which will reduce the risk of attacking the attacks of attackers. During the password input, please note whether the CAPS LOCK key is activated and what language layout is active at the moment to avoid unpleasant surprises.

 In the field, the gaming alias is introduced in the field, which will be listed in the game as a player name. Nickname will be displayed in your game profile and the table of the results.

And in the last field you need to enter the characters that are depicted on the next picture on the left - this is the so-called "captcha", checking that you are not a robot. Be careful! There are pictures on which it is difficult to disassemble what is written there. After entering "Caps", the last step remains - click on the "Register" button below.

If everything is done correctly, immediately after the successful passage of registration, the E-mail will receive a letter from the Warface administration, that everything is in order and can be joined by the game.

That's the answer to the question: "How to register in the warfice?". Everyone can create a gaming account, and registration takes place in several simple steps and should not be a lot of work, even novice users. After the client is installed and registered is passed, it remains only to wish good luck on the battlefields and a fun game!

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