How to unlock the warfice

How to unlock the warfice

Large company Mail.Ru is the owner of a major playing project Warface. And carefully monitors the fulfillment of the rules of the user agreement by the players. In this moment there are both positive and negative aspects. On the one hand, the company struggles with malicious violators who intentionally use cheats and violate the rules. On the other hand, users who for minor disorders receive permanent blocking of the account.

Lose the impaired account in which the money was not so scary. It is terrible to lose an account with a large level of the character when a lot of time and money is invested. Below you learn how to unlock the warfice.

How to block accounts in warface

If the rules are violated, the player must first send a warning. If the player ignored him, then his banyat. Such a system works in most online games. But on Warface, this system does not apply. Users banyat without warnings.

Getting a bath in the game is an unpleasant event. Especially if you have inadvertently accomplished the oversight, as a result of which your account was forever blocked. You can solve this problem in several ways:

  • Contact technical support.
  • Use security vulnerabilities.

Unlocking warface with technical support

If you are banned, then change all passwords from your post accounts and social networks. Then write a letter of the game administration asking you to restore access to the account. So you can try to inspire the administration that fraudsters hacked you and it was they who violated the rules of the game. That method can work if the administration believes and send you an answer containing information about the possibilities of restoring access to the game.

If technical support did not help, then proceed to the following method, which involves the use of Warface security vulnerabilities.

Security system in Warface

The security system of this online shooter is the greatest vulnerability of the game. After all, all the files that are associated with the game account are downloaded with the client to the user's computer. Usually, developers protect files by proving them to players modifying. In the case of a warface there is no protection, you can do with important files all that you want. The main thing is to know the approach not to break the game. Thus, if your account was blocked, then with a specific approach, this problem is solved in one moment.

File Substitution

As mentioned above, absolutely all files, including those that store account information, are downloaded with the client and are not protected. In the case of the account of the account, information on the number of days remained to the end of the blocking is preserved on the computer. Accordingly, so that you can be in the game, this information must be changed. To facilitate the task, you can download the already modified file and simply replace them with the old one. As a result, you will be allowed again into the game.

Applying this method it is important to remember that the game update and checking game files will restore information about the number of days of your blocking. And you will again lose the opportunity to go to the game.

Be careful

Of the two ways to unlock the account, only the first is considered to be legal. He suggests coordination with the official representatives of the game. The second method is applied under your responsibility, all manipulations with game files will be made for your fear and risk.

No matter how much you want, do not try to find the programs for unlocking the warface. There is no third-party software. All programs available on the Internet are allegedly removing blocking are created by fraudsters. Instead of solving the problem, you will get a lot of new victims in the form of viruses. Viruses may damage the data on the computer and even withdraw it. In addition, fraudsters can take possession of your personal data. Therefore, in no case, do not download, and even more so do not run such suspicious files.

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alex 07/28/2017 at 20:57

Blocked for the period of the investigation. Authorize and drove. And how? In support service, it is proposed to change the password and silence. So I did not ban J.I, did not unlocked.

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