How to restore Warfias

How to restore Warfias

Warface developed three studios. This is a military game, and the action unfolds in the near future - 2023 in the game 2 parties - the Warface itself and Blackwood. The latter are terrorists who are illegally selling weapons. They carry out experiments and wish to capture the world. Detachment Warface opposes them.

What to do if I forgot the account in the warface

Did you never know why the account was lost. But now Gamer is in a panic - how to restore it. The easiest way to enter the site and specify the phone number. Then access will be unlocked. If an account has occurred, the system will not remove it immediately, but only after 14 days. Sometimes hackers attempt to steal some account, but thanks to such protection they will not be able to do it.

If it does not work with the phone, you should contact technical support. After receiving the response, the account will most likely be unlocked, and the gamer will again be able to enjoy his beloved game.

What to do if I forgot the account

What to do if the account in the warface was banned

Enters the player in the warfice, and there is an error message. Then you need to find the folder on the desktop in which the game client is located. Next, opens the control center, where to click on "Management". Then find cryonline.dll and place it in the Bin32Release folder. Check files after that in the center are not necessary. Just need to start the game.

However, follow the updates for this file. As soon as it is produced, you need to roll it again.

If this does not help, then most likely the account was banned for violating the game rules. Questions should apply to technical support.

What if the password is lost from the warface?

It happens that a person has forgotten the password, but he spins somewhere in his head. You can, in this case, try to restore it. Just to sort out the numbers - suddenly Gamer remember? The main thing is that the characters are correct.

Should check your email. There's letters are stored for a long time, and one of them may be coveted numbers.

The easiest way to enter the game. There is a function to recover. When there will be a window with the words "Authorization" at the bottom is the "Forgot password?". Clicking on it, the gamer will be redirected to the form with which will be able to recover a forgotten passcode. Next you need to enter a username, or better yet email address, the one that was used when registering. Then click "Restore". Mail will receive a letter in which the player will provide a new password.

What to do if your password is lost?

It would be nice to save a letter, or even better - to write the code in Notepad. Then you do not have to re prodelyvat this operation.

If a person has lost access to email, no need to panic, nervous and delete the game. It should describe the problem to technical support. However, you need to know all the facts in order to be able to identify a gamer. Gamers should get ready for the fact that he made a real interrogation. How else? You never know who will pretend to be the player to get an account? So it is necessary to report not only the date of birth, but the answer to the secret question. Player forgotten it? But it's bad.

This is usually recorded another account and describe the problem in the minutest detail. If you do not do it for 2 weeks, the request will not be considered.

Change password Varfeys

To change the password you need to go to the game site and go to the Members Area. There should find the "My Profile" and click on "change".

Appears "to change your password." In the window you need to enter your old password. These actions are needed again for identification. What if an attacker? It should be understood that the new password has already been invented. Some catchy, pre-recorded in a safe place so as not to forget.

After that, the gamer has confirmed that he is not a bot, but a man, and this introduces a captcha.

Next, the player must go to the mail, the same one that is tied to your account. Soon, a new letter appears, in which the data will be shown.

Change Password

If the hacked account Varfeys

Sometimes it happens. Unidentified hackers broke into account not only the now untied phone number and answer to the secret question has long weathered from the head. But for some reason, the gamers have any screenshots of the game or video. And best of all - and then, and more.

It is necessary to create an account and write with him to support. The request must specify when the gamer has created a major account in Varfeyse the last time I visited him, when he noticed a problem. It would be nice to attach a letter from the email address where it was stated in the account creation Varfeyse.

If a gamer transferred money to the game, you must specify how and when. The easiest way to WebMoney. Copies platezhek simply attached to the letter.

Be sure to specify your ISP, where the player went into Varfeys (out of town), whether he was the sole owner of the account, to add screenshots and (or) videos. After that, it remains only to wait for a response.

If the phone or sim card has been lost, and did not recover, then you need to go to the technical support of the game. At the end of the page you should click on the link shown at the bottom of this page. But this service will be provided only once. So it is much easier to apply to a mobile operator and ask for a duplicate sim card.

If the hacked account


You need to buy a notebook in which to write down passwords. You can do it in the computer, but it is advisable to keep a copy on any flash drive. The phone, do not store. Or then come up with a password for some absurd designation that if the phone is stolen or lost it, no one would know what these numbers are.

When any matter is recommended to ask tech support. Usually they are reluctant to contact the user and help to solve the problems.

Comments leave a comment
Dima 01/08/2018 at 5:04

What should I do if I have cheated on login passwords?

To answer
Dima 01.17.2018 at 22:00

What should I do if I forget the login and password but the number is bound to warface ???

To answer
jyrgal 01.30.2018 at 10:47

now someone has come into my account and now the hacker used the proscribed, and because of this account banned

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Dmitriy 03.27.2018 at 17:24

if the computer has changed but again you want to play a character that the old as soon as possible to return it to new computer?

To answer
kostya 23.11.2018 at 10:21

Forgotten your password on your account to reset your password VARFEYS

To answer
jeka 01.21.2020 at 15:55

hello, help me please have a account with me, allegedly I use cheats or my computer contains malicious programs or files that interfere with something I wrote to help, asked to tell what program would delete it, I did not have time to remove it. I wake up blessed, and immediately a question for what ????? I have not been playing the game at all for a long time

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