How to remove video from YouTube

How to remove video from YouTube

YouTube is the most popular video hosting in the world. Add video there can anywhere registered in the Google system. But sometimes it becomes necessary to remove video from there. There may be several reasons for this. In this article we will deal with how to remove video from YouTube.

Delete your own video from YouTube

You downloaded video to your channel, and then for some reason decided to remove it? There will be no problems with this. Follow these steps:

  • Go to your Google Account.
  • Go to your channel.
  • Over the cover of your channel you will see the "Video Manager" button. Click on it. Also in the video manager you can get from the page of your video. The corresponding button is located under the video player.
  • Next, in the video manager, tick the video that you want to delete.
  • From the "Actions" drop-down list, select Delete.
  • Or, if you need to delete only one video, select the appropriate item from the "Change" drop-down list next to each video file.

So the video manager looks like:

Delete video from YouTube, which violates copyright

If you have found your video on YouTube, which is protected by copyright and want to delete it, then you need to do the following.

  • Go to your youtube account
  • Write a letter to the support service in an arbitrary form.
  • Be sure to specify the name of the video, the link to it and the link to the user account, which has downloaded it.
  • In response from the Support service, you may be asked to confirm that this video is yours.

How to delete video from YouTube, which violates the rules

Usually, such a video site administration removes independently, with enviable regularity and carefully. But if you found a similar video, then do the following:

  • Enter your account youTube.
  • On the Video View page, click the "More" button, select "Complain".
  • Or write a letter to the support service indicating the links to video and links to the user profile that has downloaded it.

As a result, users will see such a message:

You can no longer worry: the support service works quickly and all unlawful videos will be deleted.

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