How to remove Skype

How to remove Skype

Program Skype is a widespread application for communicating, providing the ability to carry out voice and video calls, share text messages and various files. But sometimes this app gives malfunctions. To fix them, delete the program from the computer and reinstall it.

Before deleting a program from a computer, delete an account if there is a need. For this:

  • launch Skype I.log in;
  • on the toolbar, click "Skype", select "Personal data", in the drop-down window click on "Edit My Data" or simultaneously press "Ctrl" and "I";
  • remove all personal data or replace them with random characters and save the changes.

After that, complete all the processes associated with the Skype program: on the program icon, close to the taskbar, right-click and select "Get out of Skype" or run the task manager using the "Ctrl", "DEL" and "ALT" keys, in the Applications tab, alternately select from the list of those that have the word "Skype" from the list, and click Finish. process".


The Skype application, like any other program, is located in the installed directory. To enter it, go along the way "Start","Control Panel","Installing and deleting programs" or simultaneously press the " Windows" and " R."Enter" in the row " appwiz.cpl ».

In the installed program catalog, find Skype, click twice and confirm the deletion. After a few seconds, the system uninstalls the application.

To install Skype, use the tips articles.

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