How to put a skype avatar

How to put a skype avatar

To your friends who familiar to find and find out you in Skype, you can set your photo in the form of avatar. Optionally, you can consider any picture in this quality as you like.

If you do not have Skype, it should be downloaded on the Internet, for example, on this website. By registering in Skype under any login, you will get access to the program (you will have a personal password to log in).

1 Sam

To install an avatar, you will not need a lot of time. Go to the program and click on your nickname in the upper left corner. The right window will appear with your personal data. Click the Change Avatar button.

2 Sama

You will open the window offering Create a portrait using a webcam or download the picture. You can choose any of the proposed options.

3 Sam

If you want to take a snapshot online, just click on the "Record" button. The program will display the received photo in the window and asks: "Try again" or "use this image." Selecting the second option, you secure the picture as an avatar.

4 Sama

If you want to download a picture from the Internet or existing photo, click on the "Overview" button and select the image saved on any computer disk. The selected photo will appear to the right of the search window. After deciding with the snapshot, click the Open button.

5 Sam

Clicking on the image with the left mouse button and continuing to hold it, you can move it up and down, left-right depending on the location of the picture. You can also closer or remove it. When you select the desired view of the picture, click the "Use this Image" button.

6 Sama

Now you have chosen picture or photo will decorate your account in Skype.

Comments leave a comment
Michael 13/11/2017 at 14:17

the Avatar installation method has long been outdated. Due to the fact that Skype many times, although not significantly shed. The author's advice was not relevant. Please take off your advice from publication.

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