How to remove correspondence in vkontakte

How to remove correspondence in vkontakte

The history of messages on the social network for someone a kind of reminder method, and for someone - unnecessary compromising, since confidential information is sometimes reported in the correspondence. Therefore, from time to time it is necessary to remove the message history. How to do this in the social network "VKontakte", consider further ...

The first, the easiest way to delete the message: Enroll in correspondence with the interlocutor, click on the message (or multiple messages), after which it will become blue, and click on the "Delete" button. At the same time, the correspondence will remain in the history of the messages of your destination.

In order to remove the entire history of correspondence with a person, you need to go to the chat with it and then choose the link "Actions" in the upper right corner. After that, select At the very bottom of the "Clear Message Study" menu. It is worth noting that if the history of the messages is too big, then the correspondence may not be removed from once. To complete memory cleaning, you will have to do the operation several times. Correspondence will be removed from your account, but your interlocutor will remain.

You can also delete all dialog messages without entering it. To do this, move the cursor on the cross at the end of the message string. The notice "Delete dialog" should be displayed. Click on the cross - and the correspondence will be deleted.

There is a way to remove correspondence from the interlocutor account. To do this, all user messages should be marked with the "Spam" mark. Highlight them and click on the link "This Spam". True, the reliability of this method is not one hundred percent, but in some cases it works.

Now many different programs have appeared, which promise to quickly and effectively clear the message of messages. However, you should not trust dubious resources. There is a chance to infect computer with a virus or "to give" a program to your username and password, which will be used to send spam or for other purposes.

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Alexandra 03/17/2015 at 14:08

and how to remove vkontakte correspondence, but not from a computer, but through the phone .. For example, there is no possibility to go through the computer, but only through the phone .. how to do it? Thanks in advance for the answer

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Nikita 08/24/2016 at 10:45.

I did not read anything useful.

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