How to delete subscribers vkontakte

How to delete subscribers vkontakte

Vkontakte social network users know about such a category of people as subscribers. They do not consist in lists of friends, but they can view photos and some other publicly available information in the accounts of people who are signed.

Where do VKontakte's followers come from

The pages of people who were previously in the lists of friends, but were removed from there, automatically moved to subscribers. The same thing happens with those who sent us a request to friends, but we have not confirmed it.

Many do not pay any attention to subscribers, but it happens that in the number of such specials enter unwanted personalities, such as spammers, former beloved or just those who are unpleasant to us. Agree, few people want, so that someone from such people followed changes in our life, read our news or watched fresh photos.

Simple and effective ways to remove subscribers VKontakte

Unfortunately, the special function of deleting subscribers in this social network is not provided, but this does not mean that it is impossible to cope with such a task. We offer you two fastest and efficient ways to solve this problem.

Method number 1.

  • Go to your account VKontakte and on the main page under the photo locate the "My subscribers".

  • Click this link and you will open the window with your subscribers accounts. Having a cursor on any of the photos, in the upper right corner you will see a cross.
  • By clicking on this cross, you will block a person, that is, move it to the blacklist. To do this, select the "Continue" button in the window that opens.
  • In this way, you can move to the black list of all those who wish to remove from subscribers.

Please note: Leave a person in the black list forever no need. So that it is guaranteed to be retired from subscribers, you need to wait at least 1 hour, and better 2 hours, after which you can do the following:

  • In the left screen menu, select "My Settings".

  • Now go to the "Black List" tab. Thus, you remove a person from subscribers, but leave the opportunity to further communicate with it.

  • Delete from the black list of someone you need.

Method number 2.

The second way also involves moving the contact to the blacklist, but is performed a little different:

  • Open the "My Friends" item in the left screen and go to the "Applications as friend" tab.

  • Before you will again arise those who are signed with your updates. Choose whose account you want to send from your own, and go to his page. At the very bottom of the page, under video and audio recordings you will see the item "Block". By clicking on this inscription, you put a person in the blacklist.

Alternative ways to get rid of subscribers VKontakte

There are other, less effective methods to write a person from their updates. You can, for example, send a letter to site administrators by reference\u003dnew., and in the letter to state the essence of the request. You can also poison a personal letter to the subscriber asking to unsubscribe from your page. You can leave a message on the wall or in status, but all these methods are not as effective as the two described above.

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