How to Delete VKontakte Page Forever

How to Delete VKontakte Page Forever

Delete your own page in VKontakte without the possibility of restoring forever - easy. The main thing is to fulfill all items described below.

We go to the Count "My Settings", the category "General", go down the page, seeing the string to "delete your page", click on it.


A tab will appear where you need to specify the reason for deleting a personal page. You can write anything, the main thing is to prevent insults, otherwise you can forever lose access to the social network.

Having written the reason, click "Delete Page", on this page is removed. This method of deleting a page does not guarantee removing all your data, that is, your comments and huskies will remain.

How-to delete-page vkontakte forever

There is another way to eliminate the page in the VK, which deletes a fully your database. You need to create a mailbox, change the previously tied email address, delete the phone tied to a remote profile, delete audio recordings, videos, photos, messages, pictures and other data. Also delete your friends by changing your surname and name, go to "My Settings", then into the "Privacy" tab, where we change everything to "only I".

Thus, the entire submitted personal base will be removed. Cheva 2 months, such a page will be removed by administrators.

There is another way in which they block the page, but they are not desirable to use it concerns the spread of spam and inadequate behavior in the social network. In case you decide to restore your page, it can be done for 6 months.

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Natalia 02/02/2018 at 11:26

How to remove the inscription in the photo in contact

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