How to delete a group in vkontakte

How to delete a group in vkontakte

A huge number of new groups and communities are created in the VKontakte public network. Some do not achieve development and need to be removed due to the lack of a visit. How to remove a group in VC - we will analyze in steps.

It is important to know that the removal of the group in the VC is allowed only by the community administrator. You need to go to the registered account "VKontakte", then go to "My Groups".

We find the desired group in the list and go to the community. Go to the category "Community Management", it is under the avatar group.

In the Information tab, you need to change the type of community to the VC to closed if it is open. It is necessary that other users can not view the group in the future.

Next, go to the "Participants" tab, we delete all the groups signed to the group, yourself as an admin group need to be removed at the very end of the procedure, otherwise you will not be able to make a single action, since you are no longer a group member. You can delete each community member by pressing the "Remove from the Community" button, which is located opposite the participant's photo.

Now we change the parameters of the group. In the name of the group, you can write a "group deleted", delete the "Community Description", the "Topic" of the Group, we do this by pressing the "Delete" button. We delete the site name in the "Website" line, select "not selected" in the "Location" column. We destroy all the data of the group: photos, wall, video recordings, discussions, materials, documents, audio recordings, inserting the "Disabled" parameter.

Delete links if they were specified. Click "Save".

Go back to the group by clicking on its name. Now it remains to get out of the group. After all the described actions, the group will not be active and deleted.

Important: Do not rush to delete a group in VC, because if your community is promoted, you can successfully sell it or earn it.

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