How to be VK not online

How to be VK not online

Social networks have long been replaced by many morning cup of coffee. But from time to time there are situations when your appearance online in the popular VKontakte network is undesirable. In this case, it is not necessary to deny yourself the pleasure of listening to music, watch movies or read the necessary information. There are ways to "deceive" the system and remain invisible VC.

The first method does not provide for the use of any computer "troubles". The essence is extremely simple: if you are "idle" in VKontakte for more than 15 minutes, you become "offline." To do this, go to the section of personal messages and inactive the specified time. At the same time, you can renew your online status if you go to someone else's page or your own profile.

The following method is available to users who visit Vkontakte through the Mozilla Firefox browser. Open a new tab and type in the address bar About: Config, so you will find yourself in the settings of this browser. Find the "Filter" section and type Network.http.Redirection-Limit. Next, change the values \u200b\u200bfrom the installed 20 to 0. To do this, double-click on the row, which remains. After these operations, go to your profile VKontakte. Note that after authorization you will receive an error message. Ignore it. Now you can enter anonymously on other people's page, until you visit your own. To return visibility VC, return the settings of Network.http.Redirection-Limit.

Opera browser users can also adjust an anonymity in the social network. To do this, open the Opera menu, go to the "Tools" field, then "Settings" - "Advanced" - "Network". In the "Network" section, find the "Enable Automatic Redirection" item. Make it inactive by removing the tick. You can then open the site VKontakte. After an error message will be displayed after entering the login and password. Do not pay attention to it and attend the page you are interested in in the "Offline" mode. You can return the settings by doing all the way around.

Often company executives, wanting to limit the visit to the "foreign" sites by employees, establish various filters on certain sites. There are a number of sites and anonymizers programs that allow us to circumvent such restrictions. For example,, Vklife and others.

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