How to create a group in VKontakte

How to create a group in VKontakte

Groups and communities in contact have long ceased to be just the place where participants are collected and communicate in interest. Now there are many functions of such groups, it is also advertising to your business, and online shopping, and even charitable mini-funds. So how to make your group VKontakte?

This is unable to each registered user with a page-confirmed page. Log in to VC and go to "My Groups" menu.

Natalia Boyko - Google Chrome

Click on the active "Create Community" button.

Community Natalia Boyko - Google Chrome

Think well above the title and above the specifics of the group. If you want to make a small community only for a limited circle of persons, you'd better create a closed group and personally invite all the desired participants there. Such a group is great for exchanging photos, creating and discussing activities among, for example, colleagues. If the group will have an advertising character, it will be necessary to come up with an attractive geotargeted name that can attract a large number of participants or subscribers. Enter the invented name and select the type of community, which will best answer the intended goals.

Community Natalia Boyko - Google Chrome (1)

In a special window, make a description of your group: summarize the main goal of creating, so that it is interested in the alleged participants. Select the most appropriate topic from the list for the group if it is not in the list - then leave "no topic." If there is a basic website, suitable group specifics, specify its address. Check the ticks opposite those items that you want to see in your group. After that click "Save".

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You will have your empty group, where you are still the only administrator, later from among the participants you can appoint other administrators and moderators. Before inviting participants to the community, it is better to fill a group with some interesting, appropriate material content. Add photos and entries, create a discussion and write news. If it is a future online store, then make a catalog of things with relevant prices and photos.

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In order for the group for a long time to remain interesting and attractive, you need to constantly maintain life in it: add news, invite new users, fill it with thematic photos and video materials, as well as interesting articles.

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