How to remove spam

How to remove spam

A huge flow of information that carries with them the Internet has both positive and negative sides. One of these negative parties is the abundance of advertising information, which often impose users in the form of spamming. At the same time, email, social networks, and ICQ, and other means of obtaining messages fall into the strike "of spammers.

We note immediately that it is almost impossible to completely get rid of spam. But make it less obsessive in your power. The main rule: as be able to register as you can register on third-party sites. Do it only if you are confident in the need to register and reliability of the resource. Leave your email address on dubious sites - a direct way to regularly distribute advertising information. Often, when registering on a particular site there is an item "Subscribe to Newsletter". If you do not need such a mailing, remove the checkbox from this item.

If you regularly receive an advertising letter to an e-mailbox, you can try unsubscribe from this site. As a rule, at the end of each advertising letter there is a small inscription (usually in small font) that clicking on the link, you can unsubscribe from the company's news. In this case, follow the instructions.

If you get emails containing spam from an unknown destination, mark them as spam. After that, they will be placed in a special folder, and your email client will protect you from the further receipt of these letters.

Another common distribution method is messages in ICQ. Remember that leave your ICQ number on third-party sites in various forms to register is as unsafe as an email address. In addition, ICQ is not compulsory information during registration. To block spam messages, turn on the spam bot in the "ICQ". You will need to enter a check question that will be specified by any user who wants to send you a message as well as the answer to it. Of course, the question and the answer should be simple and understandable for any user, otherwise even friends will be blocked by spambot.

Among other things, update your antivirus regularly. Most of the popular antivirus programs have a special module that will block sites with dubious content and pop-up messages. It will also reduce the number of spam attacks in your direction.

Now on the Internet there are many special programs that promise to get rid of spam forever. Be careful, download and install only reliable programs from proven sites, otherwise the virus is also risking.

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