How to promote the site in Yandex

How to promote the site in Yandex

For many creators of sites, still an open question, how to promote your creation in Yandex? After all, not only the success and prosperity of the resource depends on this, but also earnings of the creator or whole team. Of course, you can re-read the whole pile of papers or scroll through the mass of articles on different pages. And you can simply listen to our advice and make your website popular and profitable.

So, to promote the site in the Yandex system it is necessary to follow several instructions. After all, there are a lot of effective ways: not one, not two, not even three ... In order for your site to rise in the ranking, you need to increase your "citation index". His name in Yandesque - Titz. It directly depends on the number of third-party sites, giving references to your resource. Moreover, the higher the Titz these most sites, the better for you. In order to find out your "Citizability Index", use the site. or any other.

A rather important role in the promotion is played by SEO-optimization. That you mean, tag tag, headers, content so that the search engine can be able to index as convenient as possible. To do this, do the following: Create Sitemap.txt and Robot.txt files, calculate the most frequently requested phrases and words and conveniently post them in the text of articles, subtitles, tags, etc.

Contextual advertising - an important way to promotion and earnings, having a place to be on commercial sites selling certain services or goods. It means that for widescreen sites of the non-selling plan, a similar type of promotion is considered not quite effective, since it is designed for a possible purchase of any product by a person who has passed on advertising on the seller's website. Contextual advertising in contrast to the banner is a link in the text, and not an image.

Communication-Media Marketing (SMM) - Recently, has become increasingly used to promote Internet resources. This is a kind of sarafined radio, suitable for complaints in free blogs, social. networks, etc. The meaning is that advertising goes from one user to another, and not from the carrier of advertising or from the site itself. In this time, the form of RSS, allowing users to "grab" information and share it with friends, having the opportunity to get acquainted with the title or description, but with a further transition to your site for more detailed familiarization with it.

Banner Internet advertising is the promotion of a resource by placing a banner with your advertising on foreign sites. Options are possible with exchange banners or purchase of an advertising space on someone else's site. Payment for such a service can be either duplicate or timeless.

It is equally important to engage in mailing. Under it it is worth understanding the departure of every information about your site (news, suggestions, updates) directly to user email. This option is far from spam, since the "spam" messages come against the will of the addressee, and on the newsletter it signs voluntarily. With this way, it is not worth overdoing, otherwise the visitor can refuse mailing and stop visiting your resource.

Registration in catalogs and search engines is another faithful assistant. Too striking effect is thus not achieved, but it is worth trying. Pay a few hours to register yourself, or use the service (free or paid), automatically registering your site in the catalogs.

Above the popular ways to promote the site in Yandex, but not all, but only a certain part of them. For a start, enough. By overcoming these stages, you can think about the following, larger and deep.

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