How to remove Kaspersky

How to remove Kaspersky

Pretty popular anti-virus protection in the "face" of Kaspersky Anti-Virus when installing on a PC penetrates so deeply into the system that sometimes there are difficulties with the removal of this software product. Consider how to remove Kaspersky from a computer through third-party software in Windows 7.

We go online to search for an application that is capable not only to uninstall the installed programs, but also to clean the registry from their presence. For example, let's stop at the brusher Your Uninstaller! or any other. With a list of common uninstallastors Read here.

Download the application, install and run on PC. How to download file online- To help you. Turn off Kaspersky from the third on the taskbar where it is automatically fixed when installed.

In the working window of your Uninstaller! From the list of installed programs, choose Antivirus, for example, Kaspersky Internet Security. Select it, activate the Delete command and select "Super-Mode". Following the tips of the installation wizard, remove Kaspersky from the system and restart the computer.

True, it's not all! During the standard removal of Kaspersky Lab products in most cases are not completely removed, so the company has developed a utility capable of cleaning these the most residues from the computer. Go to the official website "" and download this little assistant kavremover..

Run the installation file downloaded from the laboratory service by following the tips of the installation wizard. Select a product that could not fully remove from the list forcibly if the program did not detect it automatically, enter the captcha, click "Delete" and restart the computer.

We strongly recommend, after removing Kaspersky, do not leave a computer without protection for a long time. How to download antivirus for free - To help you.

Comments leave a comment
Basil 18/10/2015 at 11:24.

Kaspersky's Angulation is the most idiotic antivirus. It is he who purposefully infects your computer in case of delay with an obscure and a continuation of the purchase of more expensive versions. This is to intimidate viruses. Since the Anti-Viru Kasper has sent and their own, my computer never infected. I use free-avasta. Excellent copes. My native sconium abandoned Virutniks in general, only Yandex also admires Casper's wisdom with a spill of a computer, reinstalled Windows 8. And 3 years does not know what viruses are, however, porn does not look. This is doubted to check on my computer. In getting rid of the postphections of its use. It is happening, there are no people on the clock everyday of thinking how to infamous people in the soul through their computers and composing viruses. And now the interest of Caspper in infecting your computers with subsequent sale of your shit is obvious. This is what the price is obvious. They have already built into Casper, and false and true messages that your computer is about to explode from excess of viruses in it are also already laid and run with certain periodicity.

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